Jake's Secret

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"Aah! I'm so sorry! L-let's just go" I said awkwardly.


That was very awkward.. but even though Jake  looks flustered, he look cuter each day. I need to let him know how I feel. But then everyone would tease us! This is so confusing!

Jake POV

Why did I do that! I'm so stupid. I love drew and I know this. I shouldn't be making it obvious like I did for dais- wait. I love drew?.. I guess I do..I need to let him know how I feel.

The Next Day (Drew POV) (Messaging)

Drew 🐻: Hey Jake. Wanna come to my house and play video games?
Jakey 🍑: I would, but I'm busy right now. Sorry

Ugh. He is always busy! It had been a minute or two, and I left him on read. I sighed as I was typing

Drew 🐻: Fine.

I am very pissed. No one is available, meaning I have to go out by myself or stay inside and play video games by myself. Henry is too busy eating lettuce like a rabbit, Liam is out at the mall with is parents, and Jake is- doing whatever.. he never tells me anything anymore. I guess i will take a walk. I was about to shout to my parents I was leaving, but then I remembered. I was taking a stroll around lunime park, and I found 3 familiar figures..

Tears started coming in my eyes. I couldn't believe what I saw. Jake, and.. MY PARENTS..

I reluctantly ran up to them and hugged them.

"I thought you guys were dead!" I said while crying. I realized, Jake was here.

"Wait a sec, what are you doing here Jake.?

"Well, that's the thing. I found them last week, and I wanted to make sure it was them and surprise you!"

I was silent.


His expression went kinda shook.

"Y-yes but I was-"

"YOU HAVE BEEN WATCHING ME SUFFER, WHEN YOU COULD'VE HELP IN THE SLIGHTEST! I HATE YOU!" I shouted. Tears started filling jakes eyes. I screwed up. I wanted to apologize, but seeing the disappointment on my parents face, seeing Jake crying on the floor, I just ran. I ran as fast as I could. I got home and lock my bedroom door. My legs gave out and I was crying into a pillow on the bed.

I didn't mean to make Jake cry.. he was just trying to help. And I said I hate him.! I didn't mean it.. I heard a knock on my door.

"GO AWAY!" I yelled. I felt bad if that were my parents. I don't want to lose them. Not again. "I'm sorry, I just wanna be alone right now."

Jake POV

I knocked on Drew's door. He sounded like he was crying. I should've told him. I knew It was stupid, yet i continued. Each knock was louder and louder. It seemed like he wouldn't budge, so I left. Although, I did hear something. It sounded like.. a door unlocking? I got tugged by the jacket, and pulled into Drew's room.


I remained silent

"Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have hid such a big thing from you. I just wanted to make sure they were real."

"I'm still mad at you, y'know. But I'm already bored. Since you owe me, you gotta spend the night." Drew said in a teasing voice.

"Tch, fine"

Drew went red for a second.

"Are you ok?"


Later (like, 11:38pm)

Jake POV

"Ugh drew, I'm very tired." I said. He chose for us to watch a movie. No response. I turn to my side, looks like drew fell asleep. YES! Now I don't have to watch this crap anymore. No offense to drew, but his sense in tv isn't good in my opinion. I was lying down and started to rest.

The Next Day (7:26am) Jake POV

"I love you" a whisper in my ear said. I woke up right after, forgetting i was staying at Drew's house. It seemed like he was already awake. I forgot my toothbrush, since I didn't expect a sleepover yesterday, so I headed downstairs.

"DREW!" I yelled. He had doughnuts?!

"Uhhh" he said, while stuffing his cheeks with doughnuts.


Word Count: 714

Note from author: now they're both suffering!

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