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"How could you! Roxy told me what you guys did last night!" She said while holding back tears. Roxy. She was up to this! - Daisy showed a photo of me and drew.. KISSING?-

Drew POV:

Roxy did what?! When I started dating her, I didn't know she was a manipulator! She is basically Zoey's twin! This 'plan' was taking a huge turn.

"Daisy! I didn't do that! I swear!" Jake exclaimed

"I don't want to hear it. I'm sorry, but we're done! Don't come near me, please." Daisy said as she walked away.

Damn, who would've imagined daisy getting worked up. - Back to subject, WHAT?!

"Jake, I didn't know Roxy would do this! I'm so sorry!" I quickly said
"I already lost my parents, I can't lose you too!.."

Jake hugged me back.

"I'm not going anywhere. It's ok."

I knew what I had to do. I have to end things with Roxy. Only problem is, if she can manipulate daisy, she can manipulate anyone!

Later (9:28 A.M )

Second period was ending in like, two minutes or so, and I saw Roxy out the door. I need to break up with her, but she can probably spread bad rumors about me. I didn't wanna do this, but I had to talk to.. her..

"Heyyyy long time no see..Zoey..." I said reluctantly
"Hey drew. Look, I'm sorry. I heard what your "new girlfriend" did.

"Oh. Well, you're the only good person that can turn things around that I know, so I was wondering if you could help me?.." there was silence for a minute

"Only if you can give me some money~" she said. I forgot she was a gold digger.

"Fine." We shook hands. This will turn good.

"Where is her locker?" Zoey asked.
"Just trust me~".
I sighed. "It is the upper right locker right here."

I have no idea what she'll do, but I hope it can stop Roxy.

Word Count: 325

Note from author: i know, I know, it is short. It has been a few days since I've been writing. I completely forgot about Wattpad lol-

Half of my Heart.. || The Music Freaks || JakexDrew (Drake) FanFicजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें