The Child of d'Dahjlonica

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"You're right calces tempus won't work. That is already a spell. But if we slightly change it and put in a oxygen element, it might work."

"Alright let me rewrite the rhythm then, you might be onto something."

Jina scratched with her chalk on the writing block. She preferred actually writing over using a screen. 

 "What do you think about this, Sora? Oxygeni tempi calces, with the target held between oxygen and time wielders."

"Only one way to find out, Jina."

Sora followed Jina to the other side of the room where one of the salvaged larch seeds was put for observation. The species had become extinct and only now researcher were hopeful to reintroduce it to the world. 

"Just hold it between our hands and say the spell aloud, then it should work?"


Together they mutter the spell and try to channel as much of their power into the small seed as possible.

A door opens to the room and an older woman appears.

"Taiwo Jina, are you here?"

The room is empty apart from a single tree sprout.


"I think something went wrong, Jina."

They were standing in the middle of a snow covered forest. Trees everywhere as far as the eye could see. 

"I think you might be right."

Sora and Jina tried to stand as close as possible next to each other. 

This was not what they were trying to do.

What even happened?

"Let's hide under one of the trees."

They huddled together under the nearest tree, the cold already seeping into their bones. Neither of them was really accustomed to a cold climate.

"Why do you think we managed to teleport ourselves, Jina?"

"We must have done something wrong with the spell, hopefully we only teleported and didn't alter the time."

The snow that had steadily been falling from the sky, became more persistent with every passing second. They needed to find proper shelter, and fast.

"How long do you think it will take for the teachers to figure out we're gone?"

Jina didn't need to answer the question as a figure approached them. 

"What are you kids doing here outside, come with me before you freeze."

 Sora and Jina scrambled upright and followed the man, to wherever was it warm.

"Do you think we can trust him?"

Sora was whispering, it wouldn't do them any good if the man heard them.

"No," Jina whispered back, "but we can understand him, while he speaks a different language. That means the translation spell still works, we can't be too far from home. And besides what other choice do we have?"

The young women followed the man till they arrived in a village. 

"Come inside, I'll introduce you to everyone."

The man opened the door of the only building and ushered Jina and Sora inside.

"I'm Sio child of d'Mihgonica and this is my tribe."

Sio introduced the rest of the people present and the girls introduced themselves.

"I am Sora Dahj and this is my friend Taiwo Jina Loni. We were experimenting and got lost in the forest. Where are we exactly?"

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