ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 6 - 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻

139 10 21

Katsuki and Izuku, who were close colleagues, stepped outside of their shared agency to see nothing but shaking snow swirling in every direction. The two were very annoyed at this, as they had planned to head to a café after their identical shifts to discuss and create a plan on how to eliminate a Nomu who had been cropping up at almost every fight. It wasn't bothering to the number one and number two pro-heroes to fight Nomus, but this one was particularly troublesome. No matter how hard they struck him, he always came back. 

But now, the two had no choice but to cancel their plans. 

Izuku Midoriya, current number one pro-hero, pulled out his rather childish looking phone. It had stickers on the back of it of characters from children's cartoons, as well as an All Might sticker. Well, that could easily be blamed on the fact that he had a two-year old daughter at home, but Katsuki knew better than this. He knew that... yes, some of that was the truth, but some of it wasn't. Despite being the number one hero, the nerd was still a huge fanboy. 

Katsuki remembered everything he could about Izuku's personal life whilst the green-haired hero attempted to get high enough to get a decent signal. Unfortunately for him, he was only 5'7 compared to Katsuki's 6'1. 

'Well... he's married, to fuckin' pink cheeks out of everyone. He's got a daughter. She's two years old, and she's deaf. What else..? Nothing particularly significant.' Katsuki thought miserably. 

"Aha! Finally!" Izuku exclaimed happily, before dialling his wife, Ochako Midoriya. Katsuki caught a glance on Deku's phone, and it revealed what Izuku had Uraraka's number saved as. 

Babe 💕

Katsuki felt a slight feeling of disappointment within himself, but really he knew that he should've expected this. 

Katsuki waited in silence as Izuku phoned his wife and asked for her to come and pick him up from work. He had intended to ring for a taxi, but it would be really useful if his colleague could drop him off at home. 

He listened to Ochako accept picking up Izuku, and privately hoped that he would be offered a ride too. However, Ochako wasn't able to find a babysitter quick enough to look after Hana at such short notice, so there was no choice but to take Hana with her. 

Which meant that Katsuki would meet Hana again. He hadn't seen her since her first birthday party, in which he had been invited to. It was a little strange, a fully grown adult attending a child's first birthday, but he was a friend of their parents so why wouldn't he support the growth of his friends' daughter? 

A reasonable amount of time passed before Ochako showed up, in their family's four seater car. Sure, Deku did earn enough money to have millions of cars if he really wanted, but he preferred not to. The main reason was that he had become a hero to save people, not earn masses of cash. Along with this, he had so much money that he just didn't know what exactly to do with it. He claimed that he was saving for Hana to have surgery, but Katsuki knew Izuku well enough to know that surgery wasn't what he wanted. In case it went wrong and... resulted in life-changing consequences. 

I still remember the third of December ♫

Katsuki pulled his sleeve back with gloved hands, checking the time and date. December 3rd, 6:30PM. 

"You look cold Kacchan." Izuku said softly, running his hands through his boyfriend's hair intimately. 

Katsuki nodded slightly, his hands clasped together in a desperate attempt to keep them warm. Without much warning, Izuku's hands left Katsuki's spiky curls and began to open up his yellow backpack. 

"Huh?" He mumbled, looking around to try and find a reason that Izuku's hands left his hair. He watched Izuku pull out a red hoodie, one which seemed like it would even be big on Katsuki. 

The green-haired male handed the hoodie to Katsuki. "I want you to keep this. You look like you're about to start growing icicles from your eyelashes." Izuku joked. Katsuki accepted the gift, and pulled the heavy yet luscious hoodie on. It fitted almost perfectly on him, except it was a little big in certain places. The sleeves were too long, and the hem of the hoodie trailed down near his knees. It was still perfect though. 

Me in your sweater, you said it looked better on me than it did you ♫

Katsuki blissfully recounted this experience, as he pulled the sleeves down. Coincidentally, he was currently wearing the same hoodie that Deku had gifted him exactly two years ago. 

Only if you knew how much I liked you ♫ 

His heart was still thumping loudly, just like it had been two years ago when he had been gifted his favourite hoodie. 

But I watch your eyes as she walks by ♫ 


A familiar voice was easily heard by both Katsuki and Izuku, however their reactions were very different. Izuku looked up happily, whilst Katsuki preferred to just act like Ochako wasn't there, at least for the time being. 

What a sight for sore eyes ♫

As though they were a part of a jigsaw puzzle, the two lovers conveniently slotted into each other's arms. "Ochako-San... How's Hana been today?" Izuku asked, holding her close like he once did with Katsuki all those years ago. 

"She's been nothing short of amazing, just like most days." Ochako responded. 

Brighter than a blue sky ♫ 

Izuku's emerald green eyes sparkled upon hearing this information, knowing that his child was always impeccably behaved. That was every parent's dream. He knew that he was very, very lucky to have Ochako, and he realised at almost the same time that he was so extremely lucky to have such an amazing family. 

She's got you mesmerized while I die ♫

Yes, Katsuki felt as though he was forced to be happy for his... friend? But, deep down, he did not feel like that at all. He craved to be Ochako with every breath he had taken in the last two years. 

But Izuku had moved on; he didn't want that anymore. 

Why would you ever kiss me? ♫ 

Katsuki's brain knew he had no chance with Izuku, but his heart hadn't given up yet. He was a very stubbornly determined person, and knew that he would try everything in his power to achieve his expected outcome. 

I'm not even half as pretty ♫ 

Maybe Izuku didn't even like men anymore? That would make sense as to why he had gotten together with Ochako so quickly. Perhaps he just wasn't Deku's type? 

You gave her your sweater ♫

What on earth was she wearing? Was that really a limited edition hoodie of Deku's merchandise? 

It was. 

Oh my god. Only 10 had been made worldwide, and Ochako owned one, with a heart sewn on by Deku himself?! Katsuki had never received anything personalised from Deku himself, but it seemed that his wife got special treatment. Well, that did make sense. She would be willing to sample his merchandise. Katsuki certainly knew that he would. 

It's just polyester ♫

"Okay, calm down. She's just got a special hoodie, is all. It's only polyester, it's not made out of gold or some rubbish like that." Katsuki told himself firmly. 

Wish I were Heather ♫


A/N: Considering that I said that this would be a short chapter, it's over 1200 words. The words just ✨ flowed ✨. 

I hope you have a nice day/night, wherever you are! 

-Author 💕

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