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Last night I laid the bait: a single anonymous message in a place only she has access to. I see you sorceress, now hear me.

WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS FUTILE, it read. There is nothing but futility for her topside in the human world.

The sooner she comes to understand that, the better for all of us. Humans have even less to give a sorceress than they do the Nosferatu.

Tonight I turn the crank. Exploit her greatest weakness: that she'll do anything to protect those she loves, even run to me.

A whispered threat or two or three. It shouldn't take much more than that. A little push. A little shove.

A simple proposition: your best friend's life or your own.

It's elegant and foolproof. (Though my father was right, the psychic would make a good asset. Perhaps another scheme for another time.)

Chasing MildredWhere stories live. Discover now