Fated To Be (Barok Van Zieks x Susato's Sister! Reader)

Start from the beginning

After I got off the ship, I was immediately greeted by Kazuma. I smiled. "Kazuma, it's good to see you again." He bowed his head. "Yes. It's been a while." The two of us got into a carriage and set off to the city. Kazuma spoke. "I heard about the diplomatic marriage between you and Lord Van Zieks. I wish I could do something to ease your mind." I shook my head. "It's alright. It is an honor to help my country in this way."

He looked at me. "Lord Van Zieks...He will make a fine husband, I believe. But if you ever need me, I won't be far." I rested a hand on his arm. "I know. Thank you, Kazuma." The carriage came to a stop and Kazuma helped me out. We were in front of a large manor. The yard was green with grass and a fountain was set in the middle. The house itself was made with darkly colored bricks. It was a shadow against the blue sky.

Kazuma looked over at me. "Shall we?" I nodded. "Yes." We went inside and my gaze swept along the room. Candle holders lined the walls with the candles in them lit. The curtains were open, giving a view of the front and the garden in the back. Kazuma stopped the the base of a large staircase leading up to the second floor. "Lord Van Zieks, your bride to be is here." That's when I noticed the man at the top of the stairs. He carried himself proudly, but not arrogantly. He was tall with an above average build. And his eyes...they were colored like that of rain clouds. Dark, stormy, foreboding.

Lord Van Zieks spoke. "You may leave, Asogi." Kazuma bowed slightly. "As you wish." Then, he was gone. I stayed silent as Lord Van Zieks made his way down the stairs. He stopped at the ground level in front of me. "So we finally meet...my bride to be." The sound of his voice sent shivers down my spine. I bowed. "Yes. It is an honor, Lord Van Zieks." He beckoned me to rise. "There is no need for such formalities. Barok will do." I stood up straight. "Then you may call me (Y/n)." He swirled his wine. "Mm, tell me more about yourself..."

That was the day we met...


It had been two weeks since I had met Barok and we had slowly grown closer. The wedding was fast approaching, being one day away. The wedding had been planned entirely by both governments, leaving me with little more than dress shopping. To signify the strengthening of the country's bonds, I was to wear an English style wedding dress while Barok donned my father's traditional necklace and ring.

Susato went dress shopping with me, which helped immensely. With her help, I was able to find a dress that I liked. One that reminded me of home.

I paired the dress with some simple white flats. Luckily, I was able to forgo the corset. I kept the dress in the wardrobe in my room in Barok's manor. He asked me to reside in the manor with him until the day before the wedding. I had left the manor early this morning and went to my father and Susato's hotel room. I brought my dress and everything for the wedding with me.

Susato and I spoke for hours about my anxiety. Because the wedding needed witnesses besides my father, Susato, and Kazuma, a select number of people were invited and some were added to the wedding party. Kazuma would be Barok's 'best man' to act as a guard during the wedding. Susato was my maid of honor with two younger girls, Gina Lestrade and Iris Wilson, being bridesmaids. Iris would also be the flower girl.

I could only hope that this wedding would go off without a hitch.


The next day, everyone was abuzz with energy. Susato was already in her outfit for the wedding as she got me ready and reprimanded the others. As she moved my makeup, a white envelope fell out from the container. She looked at me. "Is this yours?" I picked up the envelope. It had my name written on the front in beautiful script. I nodded. "Yes." I put it on the table and stood.

Susato helped me into my dress and helped me adjust it. Once we were done, she smiled. "You look beautiful..." She then looked at the grandfather clock. "Oh! I should go get father!" She quickly rushed out of the room, leaving me alone. I picked up the envelope and opened it. It was a letter.


For My Bride To Be,

If you are reading this, then it means that there is little time before the wedding. Please, if you truly do not want to marry me, flee from the church and Britain and never return. I do not wish to stain your life with my inadequacies nor my image. If you flee, I will do what I can to ensure you and your family's safety.

I know that you are doing this for your family and country, much like I am. However, I never intended to make you feel any pain or regret about your decisions. So I beg of you, if you do not intend to go through with this wedding, do not tell anyone.

But if you do intend to go through with the wedding, I will see you at the altar.

- Barok


Without another thought, I crumpled the letter and dropped it in the waste bin. I grabbed my flower bouquet and headed out into hall. My father was waiting with the girls. He smiled at me. "You look beautiful, (Y/n)." He hugged me. "I'm so proud of you."

He pulled away and we walked to the hall right outside the main room of the church. Kazuma was waiting for us. He looked at me. "You look amazing. Good luck." I quickly hugged him. "Thanks..."

I pulled away from him and everyone got into position. The doors opened and Susato and Kazuma headed in first. Gina went next, followed by Iris. Then, it was my turn. Father walked me down the aisle. Once we made it to the altar, he handed me off to Barok.

The officiant spoke. "Who gives this woman?" Father spoke. "I am." The wedding proceeded on, but I tuned out everything until the end. I looked at Barok as the officiant spoke. "Do you, Barok Van Zieks, take this woman to be your wife until the end of your days?" Barok nodded. "I do."

The officiant turned to me. "Do you, (Y/n) Mikotoba, take this man to be your husband until the end of your days?" I swallowed the lump in my throat and took a deep breath.

"I...I do."

After that sentence, I could feel the relief flooding the room. The officiant continued. "Then by the power invested in me, I now declare you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!" Baroks lips met mine for only a few short seconds.

As we pulled away, the officiant spoke again. "It is my pleasure to present to you Lord & Lady Von Zieks!" Everyone clapped and cheered as we left the church.

We would now be heading back to the manor for our honeymoon. We'd be alone for one week.

I said my goodbyes to my father and Susato before getting into the carriage with Barok. As we started off, he spoke. "I did not think you would go through with it." I sighed. "I got your letter. And I decided to go through with the wedding. We're married now. And tonight..."

He looked at me. "I will not force you consummate our marriage. You may tell me when you feel ready for such things." I held in a sigh of relief. "Thank you."

He gently held my hand. "You are my wife now. And as such, I only wish for you to be comfortable. In time, love may blossom." I smiled. "Yes. You're right. Love will blossom. It just takes time."

And so, as the manor came into view, I realized...

I couldn't have gotten luckier.

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