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"Hey, it's Steve. I know you won't pick up. You can't pick up. This is a voicemail for when you get out of the hospital. I'll definitely visit but I need to check when I'm free . Hope you're on your feet soon, bud. Bye!"

Five days later

"Look who's calling again. Yeah, just wanted to say, well, I miss you. I'd be lying if I said you not taking part in my life impacted me. Streaming isn't the same without you. The crew wants you to come back.. I know that's not possible right now but, please. Make a speedy recovery. Bye!"

A week after

"Morning, it's Steven Suptic here to give the latest news: headlines are catching eyes today. A rain shower is predicted to happen this afternoon. LA of all places?! While some citizens are excited, sun lovers state "they're going into depression". Seriously, all jokes aside.. Dumbdog, I'm gonna need you to come back. I refuse to let a hospital become your home. Bye."

17 days after the first call

"Dumbdog, I'm genuinely going insane. Yes, I f**king love Ellum but if I have to play one more game of Uno with that cuck, I'll lose it. I will miss you but I've had trouble contacting the hospital. I promise I haven't forgotten you. Listen, hang in there a bit longer. Bye-"

25 days after the first call

"I've been discussing with Jan-Jan when she's free so we can both go see you. These are probably all going to voicemail but at least you'll have something to do when you wake up." Pause. "When will you wake up? It's felt like years since I've played with you. Hopefully when I next talk to you, I'll be standing at your side. Your bedside that is. I gotta go, sorry bud."

A month since he started calling

"Hi-" a voice crack interrupts the greeting. "Wow, I really suck at keeping my word. Things got crazy and Janet had a roommate fall ill and.. I'm making excuses to not.. come. Honestly, I didn't think accepting what happened to you would hurt so much. Holy sh*t, dude. You sure did a number on all of us. I miss my best friend and I really want to visit but I'm not sure if you'd want me to. After all I'm hiding behind a wall of voicemails like a scared person. Does that bother you, bud?"

3 days after the latest voicemail

"GOOD NEWS! JANET AND I ARE SEEING YOU THIS WEEKEND 'CAUSE I FINALLY RECEIVED A RESPONSE FROM THE HOSPITAL. I'm coming and nothing is going to prevent that. Mark my words, Dumbdog!"

The weekend

As Janet talked to the lady behind the desk, Steve felt more and more nervous. Tapping his feet on the floor made it obvious to anyone who looked his way. His worried friend gently patted his arm which Steve was reluctant to admit he was grateful for.

"Thank you for the help, we'll be on our way now. Steve?" Turning to her tall friend, she proceeded to guide him to the ward. They walked until the more composed of the two paused. "He should be in this one."

Hesitantly, Steve followed Janet's lead into the room. Hand sanitizer. The smell overwhelmed his senses but the girl beside him seemed unbothered. A young nurse approached them, asking who they were visiting.

"Apollo Willems." Janet stated.

"This way, please." The worker responded instantly. "Here we go. I'll leave you two at it."

After checking the nurse was well out of hearing distract, Janet stood at Apollo's side. Staring at his bed bound friend, Steve found himself unable to move his feet.

"Hey, Dumbdog," Janet spoke gently. "It's been a while.. I haven't heard your voice in so long. When we play, the entire lobby feels your presence, it's so.. empty. I wonder- can you hear me? Are you aware what's going on or-?"

She interrupts her sentence with a deep breath, glancing at Steve, who remained silent. Bringing a card out of her bag, Janet places it on the bedside table.

"That's for when you wake up. I had trouble clearing my mind so I wrote down what I felt. I did get carried away but that's because you're a really good friend." The younger streamer looked so sad, Steve wanted to give her a hug. But before he could, she started walking towards him.

"I'll give you a moment alone with him," Janet nodded at Apollo. "You probably have so many things to say, so I'll wait at the door. Take your time." She smiled weakly as she said the last bit.

All was quiet except for the machine's beeps and the occasional nurse attending the patients. Steve observed his unconscious friend, feeling bittersweet that this was their reunion. It felt like the universe was laughing at Steve: although they were in close proximity, his best friend was out of reach. The anxious brunette shuffled to Apollo's side, hesitantly sitting on the bed, making sure to not disturb him.

Unsure what to say, Steve hummed his comfort tune before getting the courage to speak.

"I miss your laugh, bud. I miss your snide remarks and how you were always outsmarting me. Not only did you lift the mood, but you were great at every f**king game you played. And, no, I'm not ranting about how jealous of you I am." He chuckled to himself, then paused at the unphased ginger. "Apollo. You're my bestfriend and I can't lose you. Please, come back soon. You're a one-of-a-kind, don't forget that. You've got me all scared and I dunno how to cope. I know you're in good hands so I hope when I next see you, it's when you're awake and well."

Steve glanced at the doors, realising his younger friend was most likely growing impatient.

"Janet's probably wanting to say goodbye so I'll go grab her. Also don't tell Cib I said that. About you being my best friend."

When the shorter brunette saw Steve coming in her direction, she waited until he was close enough to say,

"How was it?"

Nodding and shoving his hands into his pockets, Steve replied, "Good. Uh, I assumed you'd want to say farewell."

"Shall we?" Janet asked, slowly walking back to Apollo's bed.

She gave a teary goodbye and an emotional hug. Her companion observed how tight the hug was, like she was never thinking of never letting go. But she eventually did. Steve supposed it was now his turn.

A short simple hug so he wouldn't get attached and beg for more time. After stepping away, the brunette figured a goodbye would suffice.

"Sorry about procrastinating the visit, Dumbdog. I promise I'll come by again. Stay safe, bud." With a content feeling in his stomach as Steve left the ward, he recalled all the good times he shared with Apollo.

"Hey, Janet?"

"Yeah?" She responded with a hint of surprise at his voice.

"You didn't hear any of what I said to Apollo, right?" The taller streamer curiously asked.

"Wow, Steve, you really think I'd stoop to your level? How dare you think I, your good trustworthy friend, would expose your secret." Janet cheekily answered.

"Not a word to anyone. What's happens in the hospital, stays in the hospital." His sternness was so genuine, Janet burst out laughing, making Steve crack a smile.

"It's time for us to go now, stupid!" She giggled while speed walking to the car.

"No, I'm being serious! Janet, not a single word!" Hurrying after his short friend, Steve glanced at the hospital once more.

"Until next time, Dumbdog."

1285 words

A/N After the last post I felt super hyped to write more, so I started working on one of my drafts. For context, Dog got into an accident, what happened I purposely didn't say so you guys could imagine the cause.

I finished this on New Year's Eve (wow I love posting on the Eves of major holidays). Honestly I feel satisfied with this as the last fanfic of the year. It was different writing due to the one-sided conversations at the start but I was really happy that I stuck with it.

I hope you guys have a great New Year's! Celebrate the start while you can before the bad stuff ruins the year. Can you believe it's already 2023 like what ;-;

Stay safe guys, Happy New Year!!

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