Catching trains and feelings

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Rushing to the station, Steve carried his backpack in front of him, digging frantically for his card. He'd spent the afternoon studying and walking the streets only to realise the last train heading to his stop departed in 20 minutes.

Upon reaching the station gates, Steve hurriedly tapped on. Below he could see people leave and board his train. Basically flying down the stars, the brunette managed to get on his platform. The doors started to close and Steve sprinted, entering sports mode. Luckily a passenger held open them, with enough room for him to slide in.

Thanking the man, Steve noticed something unusual. Actually, no. He heard something unlike what he was used to. Putting the pieces together, the inattentive student knew he entered the quiet carriage.

You've got to be sh**ing me.

After looking if he could walk to a conjoint carriage, a rather reluctant Steve made his way to the bottom deck. It was packed. Scouring for any available seats, he found one spot that was unoccupied. Conveniently next to a guy around Steve's age, who wore a green beanie and wired earphones. Who actually has wired anymore? Thinking if he should go back up, the brunette realised how tired he was and his stop wasn't until another forty minutes away.

Begrudgingly, Steve dragged his feet across the floor and approached the guy. Immediately Steve sensed the passenger was zoned out and unfazed by the rattling of the carriage or the fact a person was standing directly to his right.

"Hey, do you mind if I sit here?" No answer. No signs of anything actually. The beanie guy didn't even seem to be blinking. "Dude, your bag is in the way.. I'm gonna place it at your feet so I can, you know, sit."

When the seat was cleared, Steve sat and unzipped his backpack, taking out his laptop. A sudden jump from the guy beside him made the brunette turn in surprise.

Green eyes. Hold on, why was that the first thing I noticed?!

A softly spoken voice murmured a quick "Sorry, I wasn't present." Going silent, the guy shifted to get a good look out the window.

Looking more closely, Steve noticed his travelling buddy had ginger hair. Ah, makes sense. Green eyes, red hair. If Christmas were a person, it'd have been him. Although he looks like joy has abandoned his life.

Then the quiet but now more firm voice took the brunette off guard.

"Are you going to keep staring at me like that or will you eventually  behave normally?"

Steve traced a hint of annoyance. Don't play smart with me.

"Stop assuming, I could've been gazing out the window too."

The ginger swiftly moved his attention to Steve and said,

"Yeah, you could've been but you weren't. Do you always give yourself away when you lie?"

"My bad, I didn't know looking at other people was illegal."

"So you admit you were looking at me?" The guy shot back. Steve huffed in annoyance and stayed quiet.

"When do you get off?" The ginger asked.

"That was extremely upfront of you. Also why would I tell a stranger where I'm hopping off? I'm not just gonna give out personal information."

"Lower your voice. You sound whiny and it's a quiet carriage."

Steve shut his mouth and brought up the assignment he was currently working on. Speed typing his way to the end, the brunette sent death glares to his companion.

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