Chapter 2

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"Tourmaline de la Ambar,"

"An illegitimate princess of a bloodthirsty kingdom, a cowardly daughter, and an abandoned wife," Kai said to himself, closing the book he was reading. He had gotten the book from Hana, who specialized in books.

He traced his finger over the family tree. "I guess that makes me Sapphire de la Ambar," he said to himself. 

Kai closed his eyes briefly before putting his cloak on and slipping on a ring that would change his appearance to look much older and change his eye color. Kai wondered if he would ever see his mother. In his past life, motherly love was not something he had an abundance of.

Over the course of around five years, Kai had wormed his way into Obsidian Tavern, a bar which was secretly an information agency. 

As a transmigrator, Kai knew of the place, and had used his own methods to get in. (Even though he told himself that he could stay in the palace forever, he was lying. He needed some sort of presence. He didn't want to be a nameless prince, like in the book.)


Two years ago...

Kai walked into the bar, pulling his cloak around his body, carefully walking so he wouldn't fall with the heeled boots he found in Sapphire Palace. They were long black boots with a large heel on the bottom. Kai couldn't tell if they were suited for women or men but figured that if he wanted to get into the Obsidian Tavern, he had to look older.

He already looked a bit older than most, since he had spent so much time alone, causing a quiet personality, and ate the bare minimum of food to get him enough nutrition. Most nobles ate large amounts of sweets, and generally unhealthy things so they grew less.

He had carefully planned everything. Kai knew that walking in and demanding to join wouldn't work, so he would present himself as someone worthy of being recruited. 

The Ambar family that ruled the Amber Kingdom naturally had powerful magic, even though they tended to use it for dark purposes, according to the book. From reading the webtoon, Kai knew that the Obelia family also had magic. 

So, theoretically, he should have a lot of magic, given both his parents had it, so double doses of magic.

And he did have magic.


When Kai was eight years old, he killed his first person. He had been in disguise and walked into a tall man with a knife robbing a young couple. Knowing he couldn't really help, he turned away.

The man heard the small sound, and turned to him, holding the knife menacingly. 

"Don't tell," he said, and winked.

Kai shuddered, chilled. He turned and ran, but the man, taller and faster, caught up. He pushed Kai against the wall and put the knife to Kai's throat.

"No witnesses can be alive, eh?" he said. "Sorry, kid, you're going to have to die," he said in a sing-song voice.

He smiled. "I think you should know my name," he crooned, dragging the knife against Kai's throat, not yet drawing blood. 

Kai tensed and felt a strange heat in his veins. 'Please,' he prayed to an unknown god, 'don't let me die here.'

The man continued drawing the knife closer and closer, and his arm tensed, ready to stab. 

Kai's veins burned.

"The name's B-" he was cut off, his body incased in diamond and sapphire.

Kai sank to the floor, shaking with relief. The couple that B had been robbing were still there, huddled together and doe-eyed with fear.

He cautiously edged toward the block of gems and tapped it.

At his tap, the gems fell apart. B was frozen in the position he had been in. 

Kai frowned with confusion, and carefully poked B's cheek. It was hard. Kai pried the knife out of B's hands and drew it across his skin. 


After more experimentation, Kai realized that the man was now crystal. His heart would never pump again, his blood rubies, his eyes diamonds, his skin peach morganite.


After that, Kai could never get out of killing. B's face forever remained in his worst nightmares.

Men came after him, one saying that he wanted to "avenge him," but Kai left them with crystal hearts that would never pump blood again.

Before he knew it, he was known as Juvel, or jewel in the ancient language, known for leaving his victims with a crystalized heart.

So, without intending to at first, Kai had caught the attention of the Obsidian Tavern, so when he spread word that he was in need of money, they came right to him.


The door jingled as Kai walked in.

Hana, the bartender, a beautiful lady with auburn hair and a sly smile, beamed as he came in. "Sir Juvel! Come in! Master Dewin has been waiting for you."

Kai nodded to her and followed her to the basement, waving at Zamrud who was pouring a cloaked patron a drink. (Of course, those weren't their real names. Everyone used fake names at the Obsidian Tavern.)

Names were dangerous, and no one could afford to give them out.

They stood on the teleportation array, and with a flash, they were in the Obsidian Headquarters.

Kai loved the HQ. It was a massive building that Master Dewin Lucere, the founder of the agency had charmed so that whenever there was a new member, the room would customize itself to the owner's taste. 

His was a room with quadruple locks on the door and shelves full of books, as well as a room full of food. 

Hana paused at the door, and Kai went in. It was dark inside.

"Master Dewin?" he asked. 

A bolt of lightning fired toward him. Kai's hand automatically rose and formed a shield of diamond. 

He sighed. "Do you have to do this every time we meet?" he asked, annoyed.

"Your magic is fascinating," said Dewin, whose face was cloaked.

"Get to the point," Kai said, scowling. "Why did you call me? What's the job this time?"

Dewin smiled slyly. "I want you to keep an eye on the royal family." He paused. "Do you know of the hostages kept by the emperor?"

Kai nodded. Although the manhwa had never touched on it, the Obelian Empire fought many wars to get where it was. A way to make sure other kingdoms never stepped out of line was taking hostages.

Kai remembered how he had stumbled upon the place after finishing the exploration of the town. He saw people of varying ages in rooms, with maids going in and out and soldiers positioned at the gate.

Kai had left some food in one room, where he had seen a boy so think he looked like a twig.

"My sources tell me that the emperor has stopped surveillance on the holding rooms. He seems to have abandoned them, just as he abandoned the prince. I want you to get them out."

Kai nodded again. He didn't want to go back to the palace. No one cared about him there. After getting injured one night and not coming back for a week, he realized that no one checked on him anymore, and left for long periods of time.


Kai returned to the palace with a wistful feeling. His sister had been born a month earlier, and he wondered if he should go meet her.

𝖗𝖊𝖒𝖊𝖒𝖇𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 (Who Made Me a Princess/WWMAP)Where stories live. Discover now