Serendipity - Aim To Engage 2022

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Doja pulled back her corduroy sweater to check the numbers written in veiny green on her wrist, like a fresh tattoo.


If she had any intention of meeting her soulmate, she had T-2 minutes to get out of the house. Yet, she headed upstairs with Muriel, a tingle warming her body at her disregard of Fate.

"You sure you still got time to see it? I thought your timer runs out today?"

Doja only smiled in return at the concerned brunette, her form unhurried despite the ticking clock on her wrist. "Yeah, I got time."

Muriel's parents' wedding portrait beamed down at her as they passed by. For a minute, she faltered. Was she seriously planning on going through with her childish rebellion? Or was it the unspoken fear that lingered after her parents' divorce? She pushed on regardless. She had nothing against Mother Time and her matchmaking skills. But as she had told her mother years ago; if it was truly hers, it should find her.

As they reached the attic, Muriel slowed down. She raised a brow at her nervous behaviour. "You didn't go overboard, did you?"

Muriel gave a nervous titter in return, opening the door to reveal a mock living room pulled straight out of a 70s magazine. Doja's jaw dropped taking in the scene; the small box TV in front of ancient-looking seats; a retro lamp on the stool beside the largest couch; and a large red rotary phone on the coffee table.

"So, thoughts?" Muriel asked. But before Doja could reply, the brunette's phone rang.

"Oof, coming," she said, stepping out to take it. Doja shook her head, a small smile on her face. And they called her the old soul. She took a seat on the couch, checking her wrist.


The red telephone rang, making her jump. She gazed in awe as it rang on, unbothered by its illogical behavior. Leaning in to affirm that it wasn't plugged in, she picked up the phone with a trembling hand.

"Hello?" she spoke into the receiver, waiting with bated breath.

"Hello, hi. Uh, is this Nancy speaking?"

For a moment, she could picture the face behind the quiet nervous voice. Familiar brown eyes aided by a pair of glasses, a short feathered haircut that framed a boyish face. She removed the phone from her ear to stare in shock before placing it back.

"Uh, no, I'm not Nancy." She looked down at her wrist to see her timer hit zero, veiny green turning into a dull black, resembling a scar.

"Who am I speaking with, then?"

Old Mother Time must be laughing at her foolishness from where she was. She couldn't blame her; she felt quite silly. Fate found her, and it felt as beautiful—and devastating—as she imagined it to be. She swallowed her building mirth, keeping a soft tone as she delivered the words that would change all that they had ever known.

"Your forever."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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