chepter 4

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   Fresh and moon were walking around the school. Fresh was telling which is which class and what teachers names were.
"Hey moon? I have a question and if it's okay can l ask you? If you feel like you don't what to answer my question it's okay" fresh asked "Yeah? What is it?" Moon seed "w-will... Have.. did you get that crack on your scale and are you same have releitet to history teacher?" Fresh seed "for your first question l really don't remember have and where l got and who is our history teacher?" "Ooo right you have it meet him yet, l'm sorry for my stupid question. O what us your first class?" Fresh asked moon "it's history and yours" " me too!" Okay it's better if we won't let or mister nightmare will kill two of us" moon was thinking ' MR.nightmere?'. Fresh and moon start to run in holeways to get in history class. They get in the time before teacher was in room, fresh and moon start to fund place to sit and find it. Teacher came in the room and seed "okay class today we have new student. So come here and introduce yourself." Seed by 'Mr.nightmare' by annoying sound. Moon get up and start to introduce him self"H-hello my name is moon it's pleasure to meet you you all" teacher when he looked at moon he saw that he kinda looked like him but he couldn't stop thinking about that creek on his skull. "Okay moon you can sit know". Moon know must staffs that teacher was talking about. Like have magic was work and staffs like that. Before he was in school Artemis was telling about what was in this multiverse was.

(You see artemist know about moon and tell him that this was not his multiverse Artemis was not from this multiverse him self too. He tell him that he couldn't tell anyone that he have magic)

  After class was over he was going with fresh, moon's next class was P.E and for frash it was math "okay this is my next class l will see you after class!" "Aright see you after class!"

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