chapter 2

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When nightmare waked up he felt weird like he was not in his multiverse but he was really freaking out about where whose he but then he heard a door opened he was scared. He was thinking that they were going to hurt him.he than look at that parsen who was it with fear.

When artemist open the door he saw that the little boy was a wake but he look scared. "Hey there little one. Don't be afraid of l want hurt you okay? And what's your name little one?" Artemis said. Nightmare was surprised that he was not going to hurt him when he try to find if this was a lie he couldn't find 'so he is saying truth'.

"my ..... My name is moon.... And you sir? .... W....what is your name?" Moon said to him. Artemis giggle little and said "don't need to ease sir to me call me artemist. It pleasure to meet you moon. Sey aren't you hanger? If you are common let's go to the kitchen." Artemis said. Nightm-moon then nods and gets up but he almost falls. Artemis catch him "wow there pal, you must be becerful your body is still weak, here take my hand and l will help you" "a.... alright " after artemist gives him his hand moon hasetatly takes it. After they get in the kitchen Artemis let's moon sits on the chair and goes to cook's for moon and his self.

After they done eating they were talking (will artemist was mostly asking a question for him) "Soo.. moon have old are you?" Moon hm and tell him " oh... Ahhhh... I-l'm 11" artemist was shocked he did know that he was young but not this young. "Hey moon do you have a place to stay? Or do you remember where you lived"
Moon didn't know what to say show he trest him? It's true that he halped me but show he tell him? Will he hates him if he knows who he is? Maybe he won't tell him... "N-No l don't remember where l live." Artemis was thinking will that's sed but he didn't what to let him go to or orphaned he knows have harsh they are because he was living there will there means one thing than "wiilll.. you can stay here if you want. Been alone in this big house soo little campeny will not hurt right?" Moon eyes were wided he didn't think that he will told him this "if ... If it's okay then sure l gess?" Moon accept the offer, Artemis smiled and give head pet moon let out a comfeus prrr Artemis giggle at moon.

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