𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐢𝐢. ʙᴏɴᴅɪɴɢ

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❨.。.:*✧ 𝐛𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠❩


Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

REBEKAH KNOCKED LIGHTLY ON EMMETT AND ROSE'S DOOR. Today was the day she and Leah were going to hang out, and she thought it was the best time to tell the rest of her family about her and Leah's unique relationship.

The rest of the family, including Bella, were all downstairs waiting for her and the remaining two members of the clan. She really just hoped that Emmett wouldn't break anything. Just as much as she hoped Jasper wouldn't give her the silent treatment.

Emmett opened the door, shirtless with his hair ruffled with a sheepish-looking Rose standing behind him. Rebekah didn't even want to know what she had just interrupted and scrunched up in disgust.

"Ew just ew." She shuddered and Emmett laughed as he reached over to grab a hoodie from beside the door. "Family meeting and then you two can go back to your...doings."

Her brother gave her a wink and Rebekah hit his arm lightly before making her way downstairs. When she arrived in the living room she saw that Esme and Carlisle were sitting together on the couch, holding each other's hands. Alice and Jasper were off to the side, the latter's arm wrapped around his wife's waist. Bella sat on a chair close to the fireplace while Edward loomed over her.

She wondered if this is what she and Alec would have one day. If they would always long to be in each other's presence and be content with it. If they would smile at merely the thought of one another. It was a dream Rebekah hoped would come true.

"Hey, Bella." Rebekah greeted with a grin and the human returned it with a shy smile and wave.

"Hey." Bella greeted back. "I heard Alec called you, how did it go?"

Rebekah smiled at the human, knowing the Swan girl was still a little hesitant with her mate being who he was, but at least she was willing to reach out and try to know him. "It was lovely. Oh, he is so sweet." Rebekah gushed with a dreamy grin and Jasper smirked.

"Rebekah turning into mush over someone other than Elijah Mikaelson. I never thought I'd see the day that would happen." Her blonde brother teased and Rebekah rolled her eyes before sticking her tongue out at him.

𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐇, alec volturi ✓Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat