"You do," Demi agreed. "It doesn't change the circumstances, though. Take care of yourself, Heidi. I wish you the best."

"Go to hell, Demi Lovato!" The drone of the dial tone punctuated her harsh words as she hung up.

Not sure if my presence would be welcome, I went to her side. Sitting next to her, I offered a hesitant smile. Her return effort was feeble.

"Everything okay Dems?" I asked as she tucked her phone into her jeans back pocket.

Demi's impassive gaze was fixed on her lap, guilt weighing heavy on her mind. "I'm fine. I was sorry to hurt Heidi, but that's the extent of it."

"She wasn't your mate." I kept my tone light, not wanting her to think I was being judgmental.

Demi glanced at me, embarrassed by the truth of my statement. "If I'm being entirely honest, I knew that from the start. I wasn't with her for the right reasons."

I frowned; she'd seemed like a kind and devoted partner from my outsider perspective. "What reasons were those?"

"I was jealous." She whispered the final word, ashamed of her own fallible emotions. "For decades it was you, me and Dinah. Then Mila and Mani came along, and suddenly I was reminded of how alone I am. I wanted someone. Heidi was..." she trailed off.

"She was?" I prompted gently.

It was a question that had been burning in my mind for a while. Why had Demi picked her, of all people, to start a relationship with? It was something that she had never explained. There was no denying Heidi was beautiful, but there were plenty of beautiful women in the decades prior.  Demi had never mentioned what made Heidi special enough to draw her attention after centuries of solitude.

Demi herself was at a loss. "She liked me – and she seemed genuine about it. She wasn't caught up in the empty lust of vampire charms. I liked that she liked me."

"She made you feel wanted," I stated. Even my virtuous older best friend wasn't immune to the complicated desire to be loved.

Demi ducked her head, ashamed. "I know hindsight is 20/20, but I had no right to be with her. None at all. She was right, I was being selfish."

"Some would say I had no right to be with Camila when she was human, either. We're not perfect. You're not perfect. You figured out early that you weren't right for one another. Heidi will move on and live a happy human life."

Demi didn't seem so certain. "I hope you're right."

"I am," I said, my resolve firm. "Relationships end. You did the right thing, no matter how wrong it feels right now."

"It doesn't feel wrong," Demi sighed. "That's what bothers me. My only remorse is that I hurt her feelings."

Vampire Babysitter (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now