Chapter 4: Unexpected Incidenct

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A/N: Chapter 4 is finally here you guys!!! Thanks for waiting! Just by the way, Tenten is a medic in this story. Also I may update this chapter to be longer ;)

"Yes I did, let's get going." Neji replied impatiently, still angry about something unknown to the rest of the group.

The group checked out with Izumo and Kotetsu and made their way away from Konoha once again. They continued their walk in silence for a few moments before Tenten spoke, "Uhm, sir, we never got your name."

"You don't need my name, let's just keep going." The Lord said, speeding up slightly, obviously wanting to get away from the team. That obviously didn't work, the Lord was a slow walker to begin with and the entire team could probably walk as fast as he could run.

"It would be nice to know so we could call for you if something happens. Also if we need to talk to or about you." Shino commented, it would be weird if they didn't know this guys' name.

The Lord groaned, "alright, my name's Anthony. You don't get a last name though, that's just for me to know." Anthony lifted his chin to the sky is arrogance.

"Yeah, well, that's in the mission, so we already know that." Neji replied snarkily.

"My last name was in it but my first name wasn't?" Anthony asked as he looked at Neji as if he was stupid.

"Yeah, your family name is in there but your first name is not." Neji snapped back.

"Okay, okay." Shino interjected, "we get it, now let's talk about something else."

"Fine." Anthony replied arrogantly.

Neji responded snarkily with "Whatever."

Tenten turned to look ahead of them as she thought to herself how she ended up with such a group. An arrogant son of a bi-, a parental(ish) figure/leader, and a snarky asshole. How did she have a crush on this snarky asshole? Neji could be so mean like how was she attracted to that hot mess of a boy? Tenten soon got snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of Shino's voice asking Neji why he had been upset.

"No reason, don't worry about it." Neji said, waving the topic away. "What's your home town like Anthony?"

"Eh, it used to be really calm and everyone there and around there was very caring but.." Anthony hesitantly replied, "recently people have been being rude to whoever they could be rude too and there's not a lot of calm anymore. That's the main reason I've been travelling more." Anthony finally showed some emotion as he looked down at the road.

"Oh I'm so sorry Anthony, that must suck." Tenten muttered worriedly as she looked around Neji at Anthony with a sympathetic look.

"Yeah." Anthony said, looking up. "Anyways-"

Tenten stopped listening as she heard a kunai whizzing in the trees directly to the left of the group. "Stop." Tenten uttered quietly as she stopped walking and searched the tree line for people or weapons.

"Why?" Anthony questioned as he kept walking while looking back at Tenten. "You paranoid or something?" Anthony then realized that Shino and Neji had stopped and turned to Tenten.

"What is it?" Came Shino's calm, emotionless voice from behind Tenten.

"I heard a kun-"

"AHH!" Anthony yelped as he dodged a kunai. As soon as this happened all three ninja surrounded the young lord, Tenten facing the direction the kunai came from.

Soon more kunai's began flying at them from the tree line and Tenten used a summoning jutsu to summon a kusarigama and spun it quickly to block all the attacks. Neji then activated his Byakugan and swiftly searched the tree line before throwing a kunai. Once the kunai was thrown the group heard someone groan and fall to the ground as Shino sent his bugs in the direction the noise came from. After a minute or so the guy was tied up and being carried by Shino's bugs as they continued walking to the closest town.

As the four continued walking the fifth person kept shouting insults at Anthony such as "i'll gouge your eyes out!", "i'm gonna make you suffer, i swear it!", and "you g*d d*mn b*stard!"

The attacker then spoke once more, "st*pid Namikaze b*stard! You shouldn't be alive!" This comment made the three nin stop walking and watch as Anthony continued walking.

"Namikaze? I thought your name was Luchin?" Neji confusedly asked as the attacker smirked.

"So they don't know who you really are. Anton Namikaze."

"Shut up. I'm not a Namikaze, I never was." Anthony said, seemingly holding emotions back as anger seeped through his words.

"Yes you were, why else would so many people not want you to rule and instead want you dead."

"What the hell are you going on about?" Neji demanded before Tenten pulled everyone to a stop.

Tenten took a deep breath as she looked each of the four men in the eyes before saying "How about we leave this alone, yeah? There's a town right there and once we're there we'll just forget about all of this."

After a few minutes of convincing everyone agreed, the attacker very reluctantly but after the convincing he was surely scared of Tenten. The group continued to the town that was about a kilomiter away. Once they got there they handed the attacker in to the police before finding a place on the outskirts of the town to setup camp for the night.

~ • • • • • • • ~

It was now the next day, they had luckily survived the night without any attacks. Shino, Tenten, Neji, and Anthony packed up and made their way towards Anthony's village. Out of no where there was another attack and within a few seconds Tenten was on the ground and Shino was struggling to keep from being killed. There was lot's of chaos as Anthony began to panic. Shino was then thrown to the floor as Neji watched, frozen in place.

Why couldn't he do anything? He couldn't move and was on the verge of tears, he couldn't lose Tenten and Shino right now, he had to die first.

At that moment a kunai was thrown to Shino that he didn't see as he was preoccupied with another person that was trying to kill him. The kunai pierced Shino's thigh and he let out a short, but loud, yelp. This snapped Neji out of his trance and he raced to activate his 64 Palms and defeat the three attackers.

It had taken thirty seconds for Neji to take two of them down but the last one, the one who had thrown the kunai at Shino, seemed to be of a decent rank of ninja instead of some lowly criminal. Neji faced him, ready to fight as Tenten tended to Shino and Anthony cowerd behind them. Within a few minutes Neji had killed the final attacker, still radiating killer intent as blood dripped down his arms from the cuts he had received in the fight.

"Are you okay?" Shino asked as Tenten finished healing him and Neji passed out.

1132 words (- A/N)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2022 ⏰

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