Chapter 3: Admittance

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A/N: YOU GUYS I JUST REALIZED I MADE A MISTAKE IN THE FIRST CHAPTER! NEJI ISNT GAY HES BI IM SO SORRYYY!! 😭 I will be changing that right away but for the people who read before the change, here's the info haha

"Yeah, I couldn't shake the feeling I was being watched." Shino replied as he watched Neji's face turn pink.

Neji quickly turned his head to the right, pretending to be looking behind the tree he was sitting against, "No need to worry about that." Neji paused. "I couldn't decide where to look so I just looked at you, my apologies."

Shino looked down, hiding his face in his jacket, why would Neji be looking at him? Shino was sleeping to the left of Neji so Neji would've had to turn his head to look at Shino. Shino's neck got warm as thoughts flooded through his head, all different reasons that Neji would deliberately be looking at him.

"You should get some sleep, I'll look somewhere else." Neji suggested, embarrassed.

"Yeah okay, g'night." Shino replied as he layed down, turning his back to Neji.

"Good night." Neji replied as he looked at Shino for one last time before turning his gaze to the sky.

* * Later That Night * *

It was now Shino's turn for watch and he was once again thinking of why Neji was watching him earlier, unconsciously keeping his eyes on Neji. He finally decided to stop thinking about it and after checking his suroundings he focused his eyes on the male Hyuga. Shino realized that Neji was quite cute when he was asleep, he had always noticed that Neji was hot but had never seen him asleep.

He suddenly realized that this was actually their first mission together. His face heated up as he recalled what Neji's sexuality was. He was into guys. Shino was now dizzy and he leaned his head against the tree behind him, facing the sky but completely zoned out as he debated asking Neji out. The thoughts that kept saying he shouldn't were that Shino himself had bad trust issues and he was scared of commitment, Neji probably would've asked him out already if he liked him and that it could ruin their friendship.

Shino had been so lost in thought he didn't notice the sun rise. He also didn't notice Neji wake up.

"What are you thinking about?" Neji asked as Shino almost jumped out of his skin at the sound.

As soon as Shino realized it was Neji he attempted to push his emotions down, hid his face in his jacket and replied, "Nothing."

"Ah I see, I do that sometimes." Neji replied, stifling a yawn.

One by one, everyone else woke up and after a quick breakfast they began to make their way back to Konoha at full speed, they had to get the info to Konoha immediately.

* * When They Got Back to Konoha * *

Both teams arrived at the gate and immediately went to the Hokage's office. Once there Kurenai explained what had happened.

"I sensed we were being followed and I could tell our followers weren't happy with us, which is why i sent the message, secretly of course, using Shino's bugs." She smiled at Shino, thanking for the help, "That wasn't the only reason though, about a day prior we had passed two Suna ninja walking the opposite direction. Kiba overheard them saying that an Akatsuki member had attacked Iawgakure and almost destroyed it. After hearing that he immediately relayed the message to us and Hinata activated her Byakugan. There's no doubt that they have indeed declared war."

(A/N: Iwagakure = Hidden Stone Village
Suna = Sand)

Once the teams had been released Shino asked Neji if he wanted to hang out and they made their way to a field to sit in and talk. They talked about a lot of things, previous missions, their teams and their thoughts on their teammates, for some reason Naruto was brought up and they talked about him for a good 20 minutes, the good and not-so good sides of him, family.. Then they got to talking about more personal stuff.

Unrequited Love || Shino x NejiHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin