Chapter 161-162

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Almighty Military Wife Chapter 161

Su Qinghe didn't talk to Gu Changan about the matter that the marriage application was settled, just to let him heal his wounds obediently. I don't have to run around as much as I can't bear.

Su Qinghe felt happy and pained to find such a soldier as his partner.

I won't talk to Chang'an for the time being, I still have to inform my family. It was too late to write a letter, so Su Qinghe went to the post office to call home.

Too far away, to get through such a call, you have to transfer several lines.

First, I called the commune, but the transfer was not successful. Su Qinghe hit the county again.

It was transferred to the county post office. Su Qinghe asked someone to bring a letter to the old Gu's family, saying that she was going to marry Chang'an. The date is set for the twenty-eighth lunar month. The house and wedding use have been allocated here, so that the family doesn't have to worry about it.

Secretary Gu was the secretary of the county after all. After the person from the post office answered the phone, he immediately called the county party committee office.

At noon, the old Gu's family ate at the work unit, even Gu Lin and Gu Lei followed their parents to the work canteen.

Ever since Su Qinghe left the county, Gu Ma's heart has been lost. In addition, I am also looking for a job with the Women's Federation, so I don't want to worry about other things at all, so I just asked Gu Changzheng and Gu Changping to transfer the food relationship to their respective units. So the old Gu family only heard the news from Secretary Gu at night.

When Gu's mother heard that her son and daughter-in-law were going to get married outside, she burst into tears in distress.

She manages the marriage of the two eldest sons, not to mention how good they are, but they have everything they should have. The family lives in a good house. Two tables of wine were also invited. When it was Chang'an and Qingmiao's turn, it was so wronged.

"Woo, our Chang'an and Qingmiaoer are really fate. We haven't had any good days. They can't eat a delicious bite at home... My Chang'an and Qingmiaoer--"

The family did not dare to say anything.

The youngest couple is very poor.

The third child was taken out by them, and the third wife rushed to the third child. So finally came to the conclusion that this is what they caused.

Secretary Gu said, "Okay, it's not very far, isn't it a few days away, I will take a car to have a look at that time."

Gu Ma immediately got up and entered the house.

Secretary Gu said with a headache, "What are you doing?"

Gu's mother wiped her tears, "I'm going to pack things. We Chang'an and Qingmiao'er are too pitiful. I have to bring them some good things."

Then he pointed to the boss and second child, "Your brother is getting married, and you should understand it yourself. Just such a brother!"

Then turned and walked into the house.

Gu Changzheng and Gu Changping remained silent. At this time, it's still what mom says, don't make mom angry.

Early the next morning, the old Gu's living room was full of things. What kind of fabric, bed sheet and duvet cover. The hot water bottle, as long as everything can be moved, Gu Ma can't wait to move to Su Qinghe and the others.

Secretary Gu's face looked dark. Take it all the way, and people will have to laugh at it. Besides, Qinghe called and said, everything was divided over there. These old ones are useless.

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