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"ARE YOU NOT READY YET!!?" Changbin shouted from the other side of the Hyunjin's door. Hyunjin was so nervous about the marriage. His parents and friends supports him and Felix's too yet he was nervous. To be said, he was shy.

"I'm coming in!" Changbin knocked at Hyunjin's door and Hyunjin told him to come in.

"You look handsome, Hyun. Now stop being late and let's go" The older stated and partially dragged the taller boy towards the exit.


"Are you nervous, Lix?" Chan asked concerningly. "Actually... Excited" Felix replied with a bright smile on his face. Finally they are going to get married after dating for 5 years. It felt so right. They deserved to be with each other. Seungmin placed his hands over Felix's shoulder and wished him good luck. The three of them drove to the church where the marriage is taking place.


"Do you Hwang Hyunjin promise to love your groom and respect him, share your life and your dreams, to build a home with him that is a place of love, happiness, commitment and growth?" The priest questioned. "I do" said Hyunjin.

"Do you promise to be his companion in all his success and failures, his happiness and sadness, to always give him your unwavering support and above else, the freedom to be himself?"

"I do" Hyunjin replied firmly while stealing glances at Felix.

"Do you Lee Felix promise to love your groom and respect him, share your life and your dreams, to build a home with him that is a place of love, happiness, commitment and growth?"

"I do" Felix answered in his deep voice, with so much determination.

"Do you promise to be his companion in all his success and failures, his happiness and sadness, to always give him your unwavering support and above else, the freedom to be himself?"

"I do" Felix responded and smiled slightly at his soon to be husband.

"As you place the rings on each other's fingers, please repeat after me" The priest of the church told them.

"You are more precious to me today than yesterday, and you will be more cherished tomorrow than you are today. Please wear this ring as a symbol of my eternal love for you, a love that transcends all our yesterdays, all our todays and all our tomorrows" The pair repeated the priest after him.

"I announce you two as husbands, you both can kiss now"

Without wasting any more time Hyunjin pulled Felix into the most beautiful kiss. He placed his hands on the blonde's waist to deepen the kiss and Felix's hands made their way towards Hyunjin's neck. The crowd cheered and applaused for the couple. Everything looked so unreal yet it was really happening.

Seungmin laid his head on Chan's shoulder and Chan circles his arms around the younger. Changbin pulled his girlfriend closer to himself and kissed the top her head. The all of them witnessed the most beautiful marriage ever. They were all so happy that words can't explain it. Minho and Jisung were also present when the wedding was happening.

Later Hyunjin and Felix approached them with hand in hand.

"Wishing you a happy wedding day and a lifetime filled with joy and happiness" Chan stated and hugged the two of his bestfriends.

"Best wishes on this beautiful journey of yours, hope you build a new and happy life together" Minho greeted his youngers happily.  "Hyung you're back?? I missed you alot!" Minho nodded to Felix's question and  Felix got even happier when he noticed Jisung. He was happy that he will be able to goof around with Jisung.

"Congratulations Lix!!" Jisung threw his arms around the blonde's neck and pulled him into a hug he gestured Hyunjin to join him too and one by one all of them joined the group hug. At this moment it felt like heaven. This marriage brought the group together and it was the most wonderful day of their life. Chan was the happiest to see his friend group reuniting.

Their reincarnation was unexpected but it happened and only this mattered to them.

Minho and Jisung excused themselves from the group and all the boys smirked when they noticed the blush on Jisung's face.

"Do you remember this?" Minho showed the ring on his finger. It was the same couple ring which he shared with Jisung. The younger's eyes filled with tears when he remembered that he lost his ring. "Heyy! Why are you crying? You're such a crybaby" Minho chuckled and softly brushed the tears off Jisung's face with his hands.

"I h-have lost my mine" Jisung stated and rubbed his tears with the back of his hands. "No you didn't! Cause I kept it after you left it" Saying that Minho took out the beautiful promise ring from his pocket and placed it over Jisung's finger. "I love you so much" Jisung said and embraced the older tightly.

Minho lifted up the younger and spun him around then he lowered Jisung a little and pressed his lips over the brunette. Jisung wrapped his legs around the older's waist and locked his fingers with Minho's hairs.

They pulled away to catch breath and again devoured each other's lips. It was the most beautiful moment of their life.

"You know... I have waited for this... moment from a very long time" Jisung admitted breathlessly. As the latter put him down on the ground and pecked his forehead. "Me too, baby"

T.H.E.  E.N.D


Finally completed the book!!
Thank you so much for 1K reads I can't believe i wrote a complete book!!

Please tell me how it was in the comment section cause it is the first ever book I wrote.

Once again thank you so much everyone!!

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