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Minho woke up with Jisung in his arms. Yawning, the brunette started getting up from his slumber just to get pulled by his boyfriend. The raven haired boy snuggled his nose on the back of the latter's neck, smelling the sweet scent of him. "It tickles" the younger boy whined, a small Pout played on his lips. "Don't pout like that" Minho chuckled. Jisung raised his one brow in a questioning manner. "I feel like  kissing you, everytime you do that" Jisung hit Minho's arm lightly. Like that the whole room filled with their laughs and giggles. The pair felt like they're the happiest couple ever at this moment. They were so happy and  satisfied with each other.


"So, you two are dating? I mean really? LEE MINHO IS DATING HAN JISUNG!?" Hyunjin gasped, pointing at Minho and Jisung's interwined hands. A light blush appeared on Jisung's cheeks. "Stop exaggerating, Hyunjin" Minho rolled his eyes and Hyunjin just laughed it off.

Chan eyed the pair and instantly looked away. There was a unusual feeling in his heart. His smile instantly vanished when Minho pulled Jisung closer to himself by his waist.

"Hyung, why do you look so down" Minho placed his hand over Chan's hands as the older backed off at the sudden touch. He felt his feelings getting hurt. "I am fine" Chan faked a smile and left the place. Minho chased the older and held him by his wrist. "Why are you avoiding me hyung?" Minho gave an annoyed look to the other. He couldn't understand why Chan is avoiding him, he didn't even do anything wrong.

"I am not avoiding you, Minho"

"Then why do I feel like something is wrong?"

"Everything is wrong.." Chan sighed and took a step closer to the latter. "You don't even know how much I loved you.. but you never loved me back"

"What do you mean? I do love yo-"

"NO! I don't want you to love me as your best friend!! I want to be with you" Chan was forcing himself to smile, even though his tears were falling down. His heart was clenching, knowing that the younger will never love him in that way. Minho himself was taken aback by the confession. He always loved Chan but he never loved him in a romantic way. To him the older was like a brother. Without even realising how Chan brushed his lips over Minho's. The younger boy pushed the older back and he himself stumbled back.

They heard a clap coming from the other side. Minho turned back and his heart dropped when he saw Jisung standing there with an hurt expression. "No, Jisung! It's not like how it looks. Please let me explain it to you.." Minho's eyes builded up with tears. He can't afford losing his boyfriend. He loves him alot to let him go.

"Do you really think that I am going to listen to your shits?" Jisung clenched his hands into a fist. "You're such a great actor Lee Minho, I must say" Jisung sarcastically laughed. A few drops of tears spilling out of his eyes, which he immediately wiped away. He felt betrayed. He felt getting used. "Was it necessary to use me for a dare?" He finally broke down. Something inside him was broken, everything inside him was broken. He just wished he never trusted Minho. He loved him truly but he just got cheated by the person he loved the most.


"So, you're his new toy! Huh?" Yoona laughed. Jisung ignored her as much as possible. "Your silence won't change the fact that Minho never loved you! He is  a 'Playboy' agree it or not" The girl  smirked widely when she saw the worried expressions on Jisung's face. "Don't you dare to say a word against him" The boy warned her.

"Else what you gonna do" She stated and snapped her fingers at Jisung's face. "You know what.. Jisung", she paused for a while and again laughed while holding onto her stomach. "Your relationship with Minho is nothing but a dare"

"He was dared to be nice with you by his friends. Including Hyunjin and Felix as well! You think they are your friends!!? Pathetic, Jisung" She stated coldly and flicked the boy's forehead. "I don't believe you! You are trying to create misunderstandings between us cause you are jealous" He was really feeling insecure but he can't doubt Minho because of this random girl. Well not random but she is so envious cause she liked Minho.

"I know you will never believe me so just go and check onto your dear boyfriend" She chuckled and left an worried Jisung.

-end of the flashback-

"Jisung let me explain it, please!" Minho walked passed by Chan and hugged Jisung. Jisung pushed the older back with all his strength. Minho looked at the latter with a hurt reaction. "I don't fucking want to live in a lie" Jisung yanked Minho's hands away. "What about us?"

"There is no us and never will be" Saying that Jisung slipped the promise ring which Minho gifted him last night out of his finger and threw it on the ground.

Minho picked up the ring from the ground and showed it in pocket. Chan regretted his actions, he shouldn't have done that. It breaks him even more to see Minho cry for the first and maybe the last time? He couldn't even ran towards him and comfort him like everytime he did whenever Minho was upset. He lost him. He lost his bestfriend. He was regretting it. He didn't only ruined their friendship, also destroyed Minho's reletionship with Jisung.

"That's what I got by being your friend for 13 fucking years" Minho finally spoke up. Yes, it might be dare but his love for Jisung was never a lie. "What did you get by ruining my life?" He felt so devastated. He lost everything in just few minutes. Just few minutes ago, he was holding his boyfriend in his arms but now he can't even go close to him, hug him or kiss him. It hurt him even more that his dearest best friend caused this all. He trusted Chan but Chan broke it.

"I a-am sorry, Min"

"Don't call me that! And do you really think that a sorry can fix everything?" Minho questioned the older.  Sometimes sorries are useless, a sorry can fix small mistakes but they can't fix Minho's reletionship with Jisung.  He lost his first love. "Minho.. I agree it's my fault "

"Oh really? Then go away! please!" Minho shoved Chan's hands back when the older tried to touch him. "Don't you dare to touch me"

"I am sorry but I can't be your friend anymore" Saying that Minho sprinted out of the place. Not caring about bumping into Felix. His eyes were bloodshot by anger.

"Hyung!? Why are you crying?? Please tell me what happened!" Felix's heart broke by sight of Chan. His eyes were swollen and he was ranting to himself about messing something up and literally blaming himself for the past incident. "I don't want you to hate me, Felix"

"No hyung! Why would I hate you?" Felix was getting even more confused now. "He won't say! Let me tell you what he did" Hyunjin's voice echoed from the backside of him. "Even after knowing that Minho hyung is with Jisung he forcefully kissed him."

"He forced Minho hyung to love him back! You know what hyung you can't get love by forcing someone" Hyunjin spat to Chan. Felix indicated him to stop and he calmed down for the sake of Felix. "Hyung I am sorry too but I can't be friends with you as well" what Chan feared the most was already happening. Everything turned upside down just by his one wrong move. He knows that Felix might lose Hyunjin so he told the younger to go after Hyunjin. Would Felix listen to him? No.

He knows that it was Chan's fault but he can't blame it completely on him. Mistakes happens but he can't ruin their friendship for a mistake done by the older. "No matter what, I will always be with you and support you! I know what you did but I don't blame you for it" He hugged the older in the process of calming him down which actually worked.


"Shhh.. Sungie, it's okay! I'm here" Seungmin told his bestfriend who was hugging him tightly. Seungmin was mad at Minho for using Jisung like that, but he had seen the love in Minho's eyes for his bestfriend. It didn't look like a lie. It hurted him to see the boy so vunerable.

"W-Why d-did he do that to m-me?" Seungmin was unable to answer to Jisung's question. How is he supposed to answer the question for which he himself is finding an answer.

He didn't say anything but hugged his best friend tighter.


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