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While walking school Minho went towards Felix's place. Yes, his suspension is over now. He can finally go to school after a boring week at home.

Minho rang the bell of Felix's house as felix's sister opened the door for him. He greeted her with a good morning and she told him that Felix is at his room. He went there and knocked a few times on his friend's door but he got no response. He twisted the door knob and saw Felix was sleeping soundly while hugging Hyunjin. He scoffed as Felix jumped out of his bed.

"Minho hyung! It's you! I thought it is mom" Felix exclaimed, a light blush appeared on the boy's face. "Sorry for disturbance" Minho smirked. Felix's heartbeat quickened when he saw his boyfriend sleeping there peacefully. "You'll be going to school from today I assume?" The younger boy questioned his hyung as he nodded to him. "And I think someone is skipping schools today" Minho stated. "See you guys later, have fun" He added and sent a wink to the latter which made Felix blush even harder. "B-byee"

Minho finally reached his destination and made his way towards his locker. He saw a note sticked on it.

<Meet me at rooftop - Jisung>

His lips curled up into a large grin when he read the note. He really want to spend some quality time with the younger. He quickly rushed towards the rooftop and saw Jisung seating on a bench. He had headphones plugged in, his eyes were closed so he didn't notice Minho's presence. Minho admired his cute features and found himself staring at the boy. As soon as realisation hit him he averted his gaze from the boy in front of him.

"Hey" Minho called him softly. "Oh hello hyung" Jisung pulled out his headphones and replied him with a bright smile plastered on his face. "Did you want to meet me?" Minho asked the brunette as the latter nodded. "Yes, I.. just uhh.. wanted to thank y-" He couldn't finish his sentence, the other cutted him off. "C'mon you don't have to thank me for that" Minho passed a genuine smile to the younger. He never thought that he would talk to Jisung this nicely. "And also sorry for my outburst that night" Jisung hung his head. "I don't mind it, Jisung" Minho placed a hand over Jisung's hands. "also it was partially my fault cause.. you wouldn't have been so mad at me if I didn't annoy you" The raven haired boy chuckled.

"Oh, the bell is about to ring we'll catch up sometime later! Gotta go now" Jisung got up from his seat in hurry and shoved his phone in his pocket. "Are you free tonight?" The older asked him to which he nodded in agreement.

"Can we hang out?" Minho looked at Jisung almost pleadingly. "O-okay sure" after thinking for a while he  just slipped those words out of his mouth. As soon as the bell rang both of the boys rushed towards their classrooms in order to not getting late at any cost.

At class, Chan trapped Minho in a tight hug. "Ahhh! Finally you're here" The older cried out excitedly. He felt like Minho will disappear if he let's go of him. "Yes" The latter stated while breaking the hug. They both sat on their usual seats of course Chan and Minho are seat partners. "Where's Changbin" Minho asked to Chan as the older couldn't find of an answer. "I don't know" He stated. "He's not even texting in the group chat.." Chan added in worried tone, concern laced over his voice. "Don't worry hyung we'll visit him tomorrow" He stated and passed Chan a assuring smile which didn't reach his eyes.

"Class, attention please!" Their teacher scoffed getting annoyed by the ignorance of her students. Chan and Minho quickly turned their attention on their teacher who was giving her lectures. Of course a boring one..

"Hyung, did they really kicked Jihun out of the school?" Minho nudged Chan's elbow as the older averted his gaze towards his friend. He mouthed Minho a little 'yes' and again started listening to his teacher's lecture carefully.

NOTHING LIKE US // MINSUNG [✔]Where stories live. Discover now