(height difference is explained in the desc)

She stared at you, either waiting or just looking you in general. "You have any plans right now?" you asked, although already assuming not. Taki slowly shook his head, a little confused. "..You wanna help me get my house all festive for Christmas?" you got straight to the point. It felt convenient to invite Taki over, and for multiple reasons.
Her eyes lit up a little, probably surprised that Christmas was getting close already. Taki gave a quietly excited nod, causing you to smile at her new mood. "Alright, cool! Let's go," you stepped back to give Taki room to stand up and then headed out the door together.

You decided to stop by a Starbucks to grab a coffee for yourself and a hot chocolate for Taki(since you didn't even want to imagine what would happen if he had raw caffeine along with that chainsaw) before heading to your place.

As you two arrived, you could tell Taki was admiring the house even though the design wasn't that much different from the rest of your neighborhood. She looked around at a few porch decorations as you reached in your pocket for your keys and unlocked the door. You pushed open the door and entered first, holding it open for Taki. He ducked a little to fit through the doorway and then partially straightened back up due to the low ceiling, glancing around again at the new area.

She stepped aside to let you close the door and then followed you to the living room.
"........this place is small," Taki commented, feeling a tiny bit cramped. "Well yeah, you live in a 2 million foot tall mansion," you emphasized, now scanning the room for the remote.

Once you found it on a small table, you sped up towards it and grabbed it, placing your coffee cup in its spot. You turned the TV on to lighten up the room a little, put the remote back down, and turned to face Taki. He appeared to be  intrigued by the TV, subconsciously taking a sip of hot cocoa. You formed a small smile but it faded as you started to speak, "So..Taki," he turned his attention to you. "..you ready to decorate?" you asked, kinda wanting to just get the tiring stuff over with.

You brought down a medium-big box of decorations and set it on the ground with a huff. You then knelt down and fumbled through the box, trying to reach the lights. You grabbed the string of one of the lightbulbs peeking out and pulled on it, simultaneously collecting the loops in one hand. Once you got everything you needed, you stood up and signalled Taki to come outside, leaving the door open behind.

" 'kay, take these and go stand over there," you pointed past Taki to a corner of the house as you handed her some clips and one end of the string lights. He took them from you and did as you said, looking at you again for further instructions.
You went across to the opposite corner with the other end and climbed a conveniently placed stepladder. "...Just attatch the lights to the edge of the roof with those clips," you told her as you did so as well. The rest of that time was just you hanging lights on one side and Taki doing the other, slowly inching closer and closer together to the center before finally securing the last clips. You stepped down the ladder with a sigh, considering that only decorating the front side would be enough.

Taki stared at the lights, not even lit up yet. You just now noticed that Taki was still holding his drink and somehow still managed to string the lights effortlessly. Quickly moving on, you went back inside and stared down at the decorations in the box, thinking about where to put what next. You heard Taki come inside as well and up behind you, also looking down in the box.
You thought for another moment and then remembered you don't even have a tree up yet. You did have a few bushes in your yard, surely your parents wouldn't mind if you chopped a piece to recreate the Charlie Brown one. You turned around and flinched seeing how close Taki was, then swiftly moved aside. "Um, stay here," you informed, going out of the room to get the bush cutters and then out the door in the back.

{Learning to Love} Taki x reader ndjsh [[DISCONTINUED]]Where stories live. Discover now