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In the end, Anti hadn't let Dark just let the alternates off the hook like that.

After Dark had explained that he couldn't quite block that power, Edward suggested training them instead. Like... Puppy training. Or teaching a child not to touch something dangerous.

The dark egos couldn't help but admit that was smart. But Dark had to get back to work, and Edward really sucked at watching them. So, the responsibility was pushed over to Anti. The glitch was hesitant at first, but he knew that if something went wrong, it would be directed at him, so he accepted the challenge.

So, that evening, Anti got to work.

"Okay, you two fuck-ups! I'm here to train you! We won't just be looking at those powers of yours- oh no, no, no! We're going full-on with this!" Anti barked a laugh, but Allium and Black just looked at him like he was crazy. "You'll understand soon enough." The glitch waved it off, leading the two outside. They walked for a bit, Anti's destination being the giant chess board a little way off from the house.

It wasn't too far away, considering it was still on the property, but the walk felt like forever with the twos' gazes burning into his back. 

When they got to it, Anti cleared his throat and turned around to face the others. "Alright. You may be wondering why we're here. No, we aren't playing life-size chess. We're just here because no one comes here."

"So, I want to teach you what happens when you use that... Enchantment. Dark said he overheard you, Allium, talking about it with someone named 'Author'- though he didn't hear anyone else in your room, so you'll explain that later. So, 'enchantment', huh? Well, I looked into enchantments and saw that they were spells that required a lot of energy to attach to a certain trigger, but after the trigger is set, you can use it for whatever you have the skill for as many times as you want without your energy being drained. It's a very complex process, from what I hear... But the end result is very worth it, as we all can see. Now, back to the main point... This is what happens when you use them in my house." Anti explained, before snapping his fingers.

The glitch merely watched as Black fell to his knees with a thud. Allium startled, but his eyes flashed with recognition. He knew what was happening- and he also knew exactly how to react. He glanced at his friend, looking unconcerned on the outside. Black had green lightning-like magic zapping around him like a barrier. It struck from all sides, diving in and stabbing into him before swooping away as if he were surrounded by a flock of angry birds rather than electricity. His teeth were clenched to stop himself from screaming, and my god, he was good at it.

 Finally, Allium could not wait any longer. Believing that he had watched with 'interest' long enough, he turned back to Anti with a sly smirk. The virus giggled, setting the saner counterpart off-guard for a second. But this only proved to make Anti more wary afterward... Good.

"Well, well, well, well, well~ It seems someone was let off his leash." 

"And since Dark let his pet out to play... I'll let my friend here out of his chains and see just how well you get along."

"Oh, I'm sure you'll join our game soon enough. I can FEEL it."

Allium laughed coldly, giving a low, eerie whistle. "Uh-uh! No, you don't-!" Anti lunged for Allium, but before he even knew it, something else had grabbed HIM. "What the-?!" The glitch gave a sudden, sharp yelp as he was slammed onto the ground. He heard a crack, and everything seemed to still.

It was as if the whole world was holding its breath.

"...Oh my fucking- no! No, no, no! Did you kill him?! What- no, you weren't- BAD! Dammit, is he-?!" Allium suddenly started panicking, making Black whine a bit and step back. "H-hurt...? Didn't mean to... Didn't mean to hurt..." "No, no, I know, not your fault... Anti...?" Allium came forward, reaching out to shake Anti.

But Anti suddenly shot his arm out and grabbed Allium's leg, pulling it out from under him and launching on top of him, his arm to his neck. "Got ya now, ya pale-ass motherfucker!" Anti snarled, but Allium just seemed... Relieved. "Fine. You've got us." Allium gave Black a pointed glance to tell him to stay back. "We won't do it again~ Heheheheheh... Is that all?" 

But Anti knew something was up. Allium gave up too easily. Surrendered too easily. Iff Allium really wanted to fight for this, really wanted Anti dead... Then he wouldn't give up just because he was pinned. He'd do some crazy shit like let Black loose and bite the other Anti's arm to keep him from moving. At least, that's what Anti would do- and Allium was literally him but crazier. So, what was wrong?

They must have another trick up their sleeve. Another game they can pull and say, 'well, you didn't ban THIS!' 

"...New rule: no magic." Anti huffed, getting up and dragging his counterpart up with him. Allium seemed off guard, a flash of interest going through his eyes, but also a bit of irritation. But in the end, he just grinned and nodded, his eyes narrowing as if he was facing a challenge. Anti knew that look. And he knew how it always ended. 

It ended with Anti finding a way around a problem.

"So, now you know what happens- and beware, because you won't be able to even touch me if it happens again. Dark will be there. So, moving on... I'm supposed to be teaching you. Ow, well, I guess reteaching would be the word. Mainly you, Black." Anti huffed, taking a few steps back from them. "Teach what?" Black tilted his head.

"Did I hurt you?" Anti asked suddenly, and Black hesitated before nodding. "Well, when you threw me down, you hurt me as well. So, tell me, if you did that to Allium, would he get hurt?" Anti continued. "No!" Black shook his head strongly. "Why not?" Anti asked, making Black pause. But Anti didn't stop to wait. "Allium is a version of me- what can hurt me can hurt him too, right? So, if you can hurt me-" Allium's eyes widened as he realized what Anti was doing. "-then you can hurt him."

He was cutting his strings.

"What...?" "DON'T LISTEN TO HIM, DARK!" Allium suddenly snapped, "he's... Playing a mean game. Like we were, okay? He doesn't mean it. See? He's fine. He's fine, he's fine, everything is FINE!" The glitch snarled abruptly. "Okay..."

Anti hummed, observing the interaction. "Alright. I see. I'm going to have to teach you both from square one... Neither of you can learn on your own, because the other will just erase your progress. Though, I suppose... To find the source of the problem... I'M going to need to learn some things."

"I think it's time you told us what EXACTLY happened to you two."

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