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(The above is my favourite violinist, Jascha Heifetz, playing the Beethoven violin concerto in D major.)

He finished the concerto with a brilliant note, bow high up in the air, a bead of sweat sliding down the side of this neck as he gave an exhilerated breath and a bow to the audience. The audience was clapping like crazy, many giving him a standing ovation after he completed the entire Beethoven concerto for violin. He gave another bow and thena wave of goodbye to the audience as he left the stage.

His girlfriend, Acadia, hugged him, wiping his sweat for him with a cloth and giving him a hug, making sure she didn't bump the violin, which was given to Wilbur from his old teacher before he past away. He smiled happily as he went into the foyer of the building, the Orpheum in Vancouver, BC, which was apart of his tour around the world to spread his love of music to everyone. Everyone who came to his concert congragulated him, and he smiled happily, signing a few recordings and photos.

A few people wanted him to take a group photo with him, Griffin, his mom, and Acadia. And as they huddled together, smiling brightly, he thought happily that;

This was the life he always wanted, with his girl, his mother, and his friend. His happy ending.

Girl In The Mirrorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें