The figure pulled out a weapon known only to few as the dark saber. Crosshair groaned, he thanked the universe he had brought his beskar spear with him. The marksman moved swiftly bringing it up to meet the saber, he pushed back his kids. Allowing himself to receive the brunt of it. 

Always making sure he was the body in the way of the kids, Crosshair pushed on. The figure's face then changed to show Hunter. Crosshair knew this was a mind game but he continued to fight back, using all he had learned over the years against his opponent. With swift movements he tripped his opponent and watched as they landed harshly on their back. The figure shifted to show Wrecker. Crosshair gasped. He knew this shapeshifter but from where? 

No it can't be! He was still in his mind! Crosshair turned to see the kids weren't there; they were safely with his buir which meant he was seeing something made up from within his mind. "You're not real!" Crosshair snarled, stabbing his spear through the chest of the shapeshifter who revealed themself to be Tarkin. Groaning to himself, Crosshair pushed forward until the figure disappeared off the edge of the cliff. He groaned feeling a sudden pain in his chest, looking down he saw the blood pour. He had been shot. He had to remind himself this was all in his head.

Turning around he saw the batch members, Wrecker stalked towards him with a gun and shouted, "Traitor!". It happened over and over by each member. All of them hurt but the one that hurt the most was when Cal shot him. Something hit him sending him to the ground, anger clouded his vision. This was a test but what was the bloody conclusion? Crosshair climbed to his feet taking out the illusions who just reappeared saying the most hurtful things in existence. It was his own words used in power through the others' voices. Crosshair now understood, for him to find the next chapter he had to let go of the past. He had to make sure the others were happy, and put them first even before his kids. It was a priority.

The angel and demon appeared smiling at him with a nod. He shook his head as his mind exploded into another vision but this time one of the future. Two sets of hands found their way into his shoulders, he smiled at the view. Until it dropped, he knew what he had to do and somehow explained it to his family. 

One person had to die to make sure it never happened again. He would need to take the main batch members with him and leave the kids behind for safe keeping. Omega would need to remain under the radar unless. Crosshair smiled to himself. He looked up at the demon and angel with thanks who nodded back at him. 

His vision filled with white and he reopened them to see a beautiful sunrise. A genuine smile fell on his face as he looked backwards to see a reemerging Cal coming out of the cave and up the stairs to where he was. There were dry tear tracks on both of their faces. 


"I know Caleb, I know" 

Cal smiled, running up to him and pouncing into Crosshairs chest. The marksman caught him and pulled him in close. Cal smirked, he knew what must be done. Soon enough the two separated. Crosshair handed over a small piece of his Firepuncher to Cal who took it and added it to his necklace. The young Jedi had odd little things on it and the Firepuncher symbol made it up. 

"Are you sure, I know how much this means to you?" Cal said, Crosshair only smiled looking at his son with a raised eyebrow. 

Crosshair glared at the stairs down to the rebels base, he smiled when he found an easier way. 

"Hey Cal? His son turned around away from the stairs and wondered what the marksman was up to. 

"If I attach a zipline in between two mountains, would you like to go on one last ride rather than walk down stairs?" Crosshair asked with a smile. Cal only raised an eyebrow and put his hands on his hips, "And how are you going to do that without the Firepuncher?" Cal said with a cheeky smile. Crosshair only smirked, confusing the youngster even more until Crosshair pulled out a smaller rifle from his pack. 

A Sacrafice of the Heart (HunterxCrosshair) Book 1 - COMPLETE! Where stories live. Discover now