Chapter 43

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"Where will you be going?" Rex's question directed Echo's attention to the captain while Fives ignored him carrying a box to the cargo hold of the Havok Marauder. Echo looked at Tech who just shrugged while continuing to type on his datapad. 

"Nowhere special, we will always be available if you need us" Echo reassured his long time brother as he pulled Rex in for a hug. The captain tightening his grip on him majorly. "Look after yourself, you hear me. The two of you, no more death defying leaps, I don't think I can handle anymore stress" Rex laughed with a chuckling Echo. The arc troopers focus was on someone else who lingered slightly behind Rex talking to Howzer and an ever so silent Commander Wolffe. 

Tech had moved over towards the conversation, he only heard snippets but by the time he reached Crosshairs side, the marksman had been pulled in for a hug by both Howzer and Wolffe. 

“Fives!” Wrecker shouted only to throw a ball of something at the arc trooper who caught it only to drop it and hide behind Echo. The said man looked down only to smile, at some point during their shopping sprees, Wrecker had managed to pick up a surprise spider and liked to torment those on board with it. “No! Get it away from me!” Fives cried out running off with Wrecker chasing him, the two laughing like idiots. Hunter shook his head, they had just finished loading up their supplies. Late last night after the armoury pile, Crosshair admitted that he didn’t entirely trust the batch and it opened all their eyes including Hunters, the sergeant had a lot on his mind. Wrecker made a suggestion for them to ditch the others and go their separate ways so they could focus just on them. Everyone agreed with the giant, they needed a change of scenery so Crosshair got in touch with a couple of old friends, in other words Cut and Suu and the two agreed for the batch to come lay low with them for a bit. However, Crosshair only told two people where he was exactly going and the two would keep it to themselves. They were Howzer and Crux.

“Hey Wrecker!” The giant turned to see Gregor walking towards him with a crate in his hands, Wrecker eagerly ran over with Fives following. “What’s this?” Wrecker asked. Gregor only smiled lifting the lid, Wrecker gasped. He took the box off Gregor with thanks and hugged his old friend. Thorn was slowly making his way over with Doom watching from the hangar wall. “What’s in the box?” Fives asked, Wrecker just shook his head ignoring the question entirely, he then skipped off to place it with his things and returned a few minutes later. 

“You know what I hope one day you can get your head out of your ass long enough to see…” Crosshairs shout was cut off when someone overstepped their boundaries. 

“Is that what you tell yourself when you see the victims of the innocent that have been slain by your hand” Obi-one shot back at the marksman who ripped his helmet from his head and glared at the jedi. “Do you know how many died by your hand, by the Empire all because you were too cosy with pleasing Rampart and Tarkin? Hmm, let me tell you because…” A gunshot went off and Obi-one fell to his knees, the jedi winced when boots landed in front of him. 

All heads turned to see Cody had shot Obi-one, the commander had been apologising to Hunter and Crosshair when Obi-one opened his mouth. On either side of Cody was Fox and Havok, the two in handcuffs and being escorted by Doom. 

“What is your bloody problem, obi-one?” Cody yelled, leaning down to catch his partner's eye. 

“He killed Yoda!” Obi-one shouted, all heads turned to Crosshair who now had Archer in his arms. The marksman only laughed, “The goblin is still alive, trust me. Ask Windu” Crosshair snarled pointing to a ship that was landing beside them, the doors opened to reveal Windu, Waxer, Boil, Hound and Chuckles. The four clones waved as they made their way over to the clones. Wolffe greeted them with a head tilt from beside Howzer, the captain nodding at them while Rex went into ‘leader’ mode and greeted them all. 

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