7. threats have been made

Start from the beginning

"Is Daemon your family?", the question was innocent but Roseva frowned nonetheless. The Princess regretted asking at the look on the women's face but shifted when she began speaking.

"Daemon is very complicated, I will always love him very much but sometimes you have to let things go to grow as a person. One day I am going to be wed and part of me wishes that it was to Daemon but he does as he pleases so chances are higher that I will marry some lord far away".

Rhaenyra furrowed her brows, "Does that mean leaving me?". She watched as Roseva swallowed and sat up, her doing the same and looked down to their now clutched hands, "I do not want you to leave".

"You will be leaving yourself, Princess. But either way, we will always make it back to each other and besides neither one of us are leaving just yet. I have a duty to fulfil to you until you are wed, so until then, I am not going anywhere".

The Targaryen suck back in her tears and hugged the women, Roseva bringing her closer and rubbed her back as she laid on her chest.

Some hours later, Roseva and Rhaenyra decided to venture outside until the Princess was called away to see her father — only leaving when the woman she looked up to told her to.

Her hands brushed over her roses as she sat on her knees, hair pushed out of her face. Roseva brushed her fingers over the dirt as she tended to them but stopped when quiet footsteps were heard behind her — making her turn her head.

Otto Hightower stood over her, basking the sunset from her eyes due to his tall, skinny figure. His face was pushed into a small smile as she looked at him confused. "Greetings?", she spoke in more of a question that was met with a gruff chuckle that made her skin crawl.

"Greetings indeed, Lady Roseva", he sat on the bench beside the rose bush, his body reacting to the way she looked up at him with an innocent gaze — not knowing what looks like that gave certain main who couldn't contain themselves — men like him.

"May I ask why you have joined my company?", the lady asked, looking back at her roses as she didn't like the way he was looking at her.

Otto hummed and cupped his hands together, "You seemed upset", he hasn't lied, her mind did look elsewhere but that wasn't the only reason he greeted her with his presence.

"I just have a lot on my mind, wouldn't want to bother you with my nonsense", Roseva shifted on her knees and dusted her hands on the white apron covering her dress from the dirt that one of the maids insisted she wear as her dresses were always caked in dirt which was hard to get out.

The Hand nodded before gesturing to the seat next to him, Roseva looked to the empty space for a moment then looked at him, when she saw the hard look on his face that she was about to defy him, she got up and sat beside him.

The sunset rested on her skin, her eyes shining as she looked at her roses, anywhere but at him. "I have a proposal". That had caught her attention and she looked toward him with a curious look.

"What may that be?".

"I have been thinking I should remarry".

As soon as the words left his mouth, a cold chill ran down her spine and her mouth went dry. Roseva nodded hesitantly, pretending to be confused by his words, it was not hard to notice the way his eyes always landed on her, more particularly, certain body parts. "How come, Lord Hand?", her fake politeness didn't seem to reach him as he looked at her softly but she knew his intentions were anything but.

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