"Well, you guys have the day to capture them, any later than that I'll personally capture them... but that won't turn out good for you," and with that, he teleported away from there.

[Vinay POV]

'Oh sh*t.'

[Vishal POV]

'I'm in deep sh*t'

[Company soldiers POV]

'Well, we're in deep sh*t'

[Vinay POV]

'How could I be so stupid. Any normal human would have two or three exits from their hideout, and yet, I didn't even think of that possibility. Was I too overconfident about this? Even though I was the one who went around making sure everything was ready? Was that just my hypocrisy? No. I don't have time for this. I need to come up with a new plan now. We can't let the rebels run further.'

"We need to capture them before the day ends. But how? HOW?"

And as Vinay was going to drown in his own thoughts, someone's voice cut in.

"Um, I have an idea," said a soldier standing all the way in the back of the group.

"You do? How?!" came Vinay's almost frantic reply.

"Umm, so, I can wield Vayu ancient magic.. And I can kind of ask the spirits to spread around the area and search for any traces or even the people themselves. You see, I have the ability to share my vision with the spirits, but the thing is.. 3 spirits is my limit. Um, any more and my brain just gets overloaded with too much information. So basically, um, it will take time to find them.. If I can."

"That's not a problem. What would you like us to do?"

"Uhh, just wait I guess?"

Hearing this, Vinay scrunched up his face and opened his mouth to say something but before he could,

"Or or, could you protect me while I do it? After all, when I'm sharing my vision, I can't really move around properly in the real world."

"Very well. Then, everyone split into two groups. One protects uh,"

"Parth.. Parth Patel."

"Yes. One half will protect Parth here, and the other's will spread out and look for the other exits around the hideout of the rebels. Then soldiers, let's begin!"

{About one hour later}

Spread out all around with Parth as the centre, the soldiers were all lazi- looking around with their maximum attention and making sure that not even a fly could enter their encirclement. Sitting beside Parth, Vinay spoke,

"Any updates Parth?"

A few seconds later, as if he was lagging, Parth replied,

"I don't know captain.. It's very hard to make out trails in this mode, so I don't kno- Wait! I think I see someone, it... it's a boot! This, this is definitely not one of our boots captain!"

(A/N)( You thought you saw the enemy, but it was me, DIO! / insert gif)

"That means.. It's the rebels. Yes! Very good Parth. Let's go now, we need to hurry and capture those rebels before they get farther away. Where exactly did you see the boot?"

"Uhh, approximately.. 20 kms north of here captain. However, I can't see any people around there."

"That doesn't matter. At least we have a clue now. Very well. Let's do this, Asim," Vinay said, pointing to a soldier near him, "Inform the other's about this. Ask them to start searching in that area. Half of us will also head there, and the rest will stay here and continue protecting Parth. Parth, I would like you to continue searching for their trails. This might be a fake, we don't know.. So continue to look for any other trails and keep us updated through the comms."

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