Chapter 2

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I hardly got any sleep last night. Now well-informed of my role and what I had access to, my mind was flooded. An overwhelming sense of guilt weighed on me, like a ball and chain clamped around my neck. My access to the security cameras across the entire island gave me something to do at least.

It seemed that all the cameras were active, even ones in places I don't recognize. Probably the other islands that we don't have access to yet. There were a few that stood out, flooded in eye bleeding neon colors and fruit motifs. I couldn't stand to look at them for very long.

When the morning announcement played, I considered staying in the security room. It's not like they'd notice right? I'm just the guy who couldn't remember his talent. Well... That was then, and this is now. From talentless reserve course student, to someone who has every talent known to man? How did that even happen?

I watched as everyone filtered into the kitchen in the hotel area. Once the last person walked in, Sonia was the first to speak up.

"Is this everyone?" The princess queried, clasping her hands together.

"It doesn't matter as long as you're here, miss Sonia!" Kazuichi interjected, practically drooling over the young royal.

"No. We're missing one. We can't start if we're missing someone," Byakuya declared, as a couple people looked around.

"Yeah, Hajime isn't here," Nagito added on. So much for hiding in here all day and pretending I was never even here. Thanks, Nagito.

"Well? Go find him so we can start already!" Hiyoko snapped, quickly sending the Ultimate Lucky Student out of the kitchen. Ugh. Guess I'm gonna have to leave after all.

Climbing up the latter and opening the trapdoor into my cottage, I clamber inside and dust myself off. Haphazardly kicking the latch shut, I paced out to the beach. I figured I could just pretend to be staring out into the distance with melancholy. It wouldn't be a total lie. I certainly feel as helpless as the stereotypical person searching for meaning in the waves.

It wasn't long until breathless panting and hasty footsteps caught my attention, even if I pretended not to notice. "Hajime! Over here!" The raspy-ish voice called out. I turned my head to allow my gaze to settle on the pale boy. He looked like he sprinted here. I'm not sure why, it's not like he had to walk much further than me. Maybe he noticed me from somewhere else he was looking?

"Oh. Nagito, what's the matter?" I query, my voice about as dead as I feel.

"Everyone's waiting for you in the kitchen, we should get going."

"Oh, we're actually doing that?" I tilt my head, blatantly disinterested. Nagito's gaze averts as he fidgets with the end of his sleeve.

"Yeah, they, or mainly Byakuya, wants to make sure that everyone is alive," the pale boy nodded along while he spoke. I guess that makes sense. I stood up and faced him.

"Alright. C'mon." I started walking towards the hotel, as Nagito awkwardly followed behind me. I consider trying to start a conversation for the admittedly long walk, but I had nothing to talk about. Nagito's hand brushed against mine as he was going to adjust his coat. Why are his hands sticky? Is he a child?

Walking into the kitchen, it seemed everyone was more or less busy talking amongst themselves. But I did catch a few glares likely at my being late. I didn't really pay attention to what Byakuya was saying, as I just sat at the only empty table. I could feel eyes on me.

"You can sit down, y'know." After a beat of silence, the person, Nagito, unsurprisingly, sat down beside me. He attempted to put a hand on my shoulder, as I leaned away a little.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I shouldn't be putting my dirty hands on such a pure beacon of hope such as yourself!" Nagito apologized and proceeded to take a jab at himself, all while donning a smile.

"No, it's fine. Just, wash your hands first. They're sticky and I'm not sure if I want to know why," I remark. Although it was blunt, I was really hoping he didn't take it as reinforcement of his statement. I'm not sure how long I'll last if he makes insulting himself a habit.

As Nagito scampered off to wash his hands, I started to zone out a little. By keeping quiet, I am actively betraying everyone. If I don't say anything, they'll learn to trust me to some degree. And if they trust me, I'll be hurting them so much more when they inevitably have to find out. But would Monokuma allow that? Would he allow me to reveal myself, so long as I continue to play my role? At least they would hurt less, actively hating me for acting as the mastermind, than they would if I had been perceived as betraying them. Dammit.

"Hajime! I'm back, I did what you asked," Nagito trotted over and sat beside me again. And without a doubt, he certainly wasn't lying. His hands were still dripping with soap and water. With a sigh, I hold my hand out.

"Give me your hands." Nagito gave me a dubious expression, but he didn't hesitate to comply. I scoured the table, and grabbed a napkin from the center. I then proceeded to dry his hands myself. Incapable child. Once I was finished, I looked up to Nagito, who's eyes were practically sparkling.

"Wow, you didn't have to do that. Such a hopeful person helping out bottom of the barrel trash like me, how truly special," Nagito droned on, before I put my hand on his head, promptly shutting him up.

"Stop talking."


We sat in admittedly awkward silence as I realized that Nagito may have taken that comment to heart. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose.

"I didn't mean literally. You're allowed to talk, I'm not your boss."

"Oh, sorry about that. I thought you wanted me to stop talking entirely, which I understand. I'm sure someone of your caliber can't stand listening to a nobody like me talk—" I cut him off, two seconds away from losing my cool.

"This. This is what I wanted you to stop doing."

"What do you mean?" Nagito innocently tilted his head, and I seriously have to debate if he's just playing dumb or not.

"You, constantly putting yourself down. Considering yourself lesser than those with talents. You're just as human as everyone else." Nagito seems to really think over my words, before speaking up.

"Those born with talents carry such hope that people like me couldn't dream of comparing to. People like me, born utterly talentless only serve to play the role of a stepping stone for even greater hope. It's only natural that I accept that role."

I'm silent for a long moment. He really just considers himself a tool for the others? That's... Honestly really sad. I can't let him put me on this pedestal as well, especially knowing that I was originally a reserve course student. But I'm not allowed to just pretend I suddenly remembered either. I'll just...

"Well, I don't even remember my talent. What if I just don't have one?"

"I doubt that. You radiate such a hope that I can't fathom you being talentless." Nagito didn't hesitate to reply with adamance. I felt a pang of guilt course through me. He doesn't even want to entertain the possibility.

"Well... If I somehow turned out to be talentless, would you hate me for it?"

"Not at all. You would be just like me, an opportunity for the talented. I couldnt hate you for that." I sighed and put my hand on his shoulder, which made the boy jolt in place.

"Can you treat me just like any other non ultimate, please? Just in case." I pled, as Nagito gave me an almost awestuck look.

"I... I can try. Yeah."

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