Part 6

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The fight between the both of them caught the attention of the higher ups.

???: What's wrong? Are you getting tired?

Zeon: *spits out blood* SAYS WHO!? I was just getting started!


Meanwhile back at the Land of Light

Hikari: Huh? What's this? A new video?

Zoffy: Video?

Taro: That's strange.

Jack: Play it.

Hikari pressed the play button and it was projected in front of all of them.

Ginga: Wait, that's Zeon!

Orb: Who is she fighting against?

Taro: It seems like the enemy is hiding from her.


Zeon: So, tell me. When are you going to stop hiding from me? THUNDER SPEAR!

The spear went through a wall of rocks and hit the unknown enemy.

???: Well, it's not like I have any choice. But, let's see if you can handle the heat battling me!

 But, let's see if you can handle the heat battling me!

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Zeon: It seems the fun was just beginning!

Zeon: It seems the fun was just beginning!

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Ginga: Her eyes just changed colours!

X: Her scarf is changing too!

Zoffy: That's one of her abilities.



Belial: Things are about to get fun!

Zeon ran as fast as lighting and lands an attack on Belial. Belial was pushed back and he used his combat skills to avoid Zeon's next attack.


Arrow-shaped energy bolts shot from Zeon's right hand.

The attack hits Belial and he took the most damaged.

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