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Eliana started preparing a dress for the party. This was the first social party in a long time.

At social parties held in various shapes and sizes, nobles showed off each other's wealth and sophistication.

It was an important setting where people sometimes made profitable deals with each family, and even talked about marriage.

Above all, this party was held by the prestigious Count Othelli with royal support, so the party was quite large.

Eliana looked at the dress book and checked out the dress designs that looked good. She needed a dress that could show off her narrow waist and voluptuous chest a little more. It was a sexy and alluring charm that was different from Sharchen's thin and delicate image.

'I don't have to be scared. I'm going to do something more flashy.'

Whenever Eliana tried to withdraw herself, she looked at the pictures, trying to calm herself down.

The slim line dress that was popular these days did not fit Eliana. The top fell smoothly to reveal neatness, and the skirt was spread like overlapping petals. In particular, frills and romantic embroidery used to add elegance to the bottom, which spread more splendidly as it went down.

It emphasized a person's personality by adding their own likes, such as a stiff collar around the neck or a little revealing of the collarbone. Usually, the chest opened in a V-shape, and the skirt flared out in an A-shape.

Eliana wanted to pursue a style that was different from that. She looked at the designs carefully and circled the dress she was going to wear several times. A corset made of solid whalebone and fins was to be tightened at the waist to reveal a little more voluptuous chest, and a pannier would exaggerate the hips.

In particular, she was thinking of raising her hair high and using colorful flowers.

Eliana smiled as she looked at the old attire lavishly embroidered with feathers and flowers. The person who led the trend would dominate the aristocratic society. And Eliana was confident of that.

Aristocratic women were already getting tired of the current styles, but were unable to look for alternatives.

The textile trader who was close to her was a person with bright ears and a light mouth. Eliana closed the book, thinking that she would not waste the precious hints she got from him.


Eliana looked at the clothes that Lujan had bought and chose a purple dress. She ripped off all the mesh and put the dress on the mannequin and added her designs to make the dress look more lewd. Then, she put the corset she had obtained from the textile merchant on the waist. The black-dyed whale bones and fins took on a dark and fascinating color.

Eliana stretched out the black frill endlessly, added it to the place where the mesh was torn off, and inflated the hips by using the pannier imported from the neighboring country of Conter. Purple ribbons were stacked in layers to decorate the end of the waist.

Eliana's hands were fast. Lujan did not watch her fix the dress, but waited outside the dressing room. Eliana kept working on the dresses one after another, as if she had forgotten that Lujan was there.

Wrong rumors circulated that the Baroness, who had been in the library for days, did not know what was going on in the room now. But Eliana pretended not to care and continued to do her job. The source of the rumors must have been Lujan or Sharchen. It was a positive sign that they were curious what she was doing.

Eliana quickly filled the dressing room. In fact, she was fast when it came to sewing. Party dresses, home dresses, evening dresses, etc...she changed the shape a little bit according to need, but the fact that it was gorgeous didn't change anyway.

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