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She meant to spread this rumor to the social world where she hadn't even stepped her foot in yet? Did the former Barons' wives suffer like this?

No, it wouldn't have been that way. Many of them couldn't overcome their pride.

This was a cheap trick that Sharchen used because they were commoners. As Sharchen dusted her dress and stood up to leave the room without further ado, Eliana grabbed her wrist.

"What is it? Arghhhh!"

Eliana slapped Sharchen on the cheek. It was the same cheek that Sharchen had slapped herself earlier.

"Now ... did you just hit me?"

"You can't let rumors get the better of you, Sharchen. Lujan, go and tell the people properly. Tell them that the stepmother has appeared. And bring me my food. I'm really hungry."

Lujan looked at the two of them and quickly left the room. Eliana threw off Sharchen's arm and headed for the bed, which was cluttered with books.

"Do you think Karman will stay still? I'm going to tell him to kill you!"

"Let's see. The stepmother who bullied her daughter and died. Then the daughter becomes a Baroness later, a lot of interesting rumors will spread."

Sharchen's eyes wavered wildly as Eliana took advantage of the ruse she had created.

"I'll never let this go."


"Call me Lady Sharchen! I'm the hostess of this mansion!"

"Sharchen. If you don't want to call me mother, shut up and leave. Go to Baron Karman and show him your swollen cheeks."

Sharchen stomped her feet in anger.

"What did you talk about with him in the library? How did you get him to go that far?" (Sharchen)

Eliana swallowed the laugh 'aha' and looked at Sharchen. There was a reason she had come here. Eliana smiled gently and continued speaking.

"You'll have to ask your beloved Baron."


"Oh, do you know who the maid in charge of repairs is? My underskirt was ripped. Very roughly, I might add."

As Eliana lifted the hem of her dress to show her, Sharchen's face flashed red. Eventually, she left Eliana's room, closing the door with a bang.

Eliana stared at the door where Sharchen had left. Depending on Karman's reaction, Sharchen could be a difficult opponent or an easy one. She opened the book and waited for Karman's visit.



Eliana's door flung wide open. She was lying on her bed reading the relations of the nobles of Contino. Eliana covered the book and stood up. She was in her nightgown.

"You came quickly. I thought I'd see you tomorrow morning."

"Did you dare raise your hand to my Sharchen and think it was safe?"

"You think I hit Sharchen? Your Sharchen?"

"Sharchen came to me, sobbing. Her cheeks are swollen, and your maid has testified. Don't even think of excusing yourself."

Karman spoke in a fast tone. He was angry. But Eliana sighed and said with an expression that said, 'I can't help it.'

"She slapped herself, and now you're asking me why I slapped your adopted daughter. I didn't do anything. My servant ran off to gossip and I was here with Sharchen."

The Stepmother Loves HaremsWhere stories live. Discover now