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When I see her again my heart start beating fast.Why does she has to wear that damn dress that hugs her figure so perfectly.
,,Breath in and out. "I tell myself.,,Don't let anyone see your emotions."

This was the first lesson of my first year in Alfea. I am twenty one, a few years older than other students. You ask why? Well, it's because of my grandmother.She tought she can handle my powers alone and teach me herself of the control.
In my family ,generation after generation the oldest one has an ability to control all elements.
And by my luck (not that I ask for) I am the ,,gifted,,one.
Yes I know,I should be grateful for this gift, but have you ever felt, when all the eyes look ať you and expect great things from you? And all you want si to be in peace,read your books or create music or something? Well, this is my case. But as my grandma says ,,Don't show emotions." Yep,thats my motto.
How did I get here? Let me tell you.5 years ago I got a fit of anger at my younger brother and i might have done something that I will never forget.
So my family send me to my grandmother to train me. From those times at her house I have more unfond memories than fond ones.
I can't blame her for her stern character.She was raised in times of war and fear of the burned ones.And she wanted me to be able to defend myself ,if they ever came back again.
I do love her,but I also fear and admire her .I know it's really complex thought but that's how it is.
Few months ago I met Mathias. Oh how naive I was. After so many years of people fearing me and avoiding me.He was the first one who was genuinly interested in me.As in me me ,not because of my family name.
We met one day at the party my family was invited in.


My mother is able to translate ancient text that helps the magical world to expand it's knowledge and go further in sense of magic.
This day is very bad for me, as my mother expressed she is disapointed in me and how slowly i'm learning to control my elements. For I was already 19 and could only control water and fire.

I was holding my tears the whole time.She sees me so little in a year because of her job and me being in my grandma place.And the first thing she does is scold me?!
No hugs or Kiss? Not that I excepted it, but not this.
When we enter the hall I immedietly separate from my family and look for some quiet place. Hard to find let me tell you when the host probably invited half of Solaria.
As I walk around the corner I bump into a firm chest. I stager back a little but the persons arms catch me instanly. I look up and see a a pair of black eyes set into a beautifuly structured face.
,,Careful there." He smiled.

,,God I am so sorry, I was deep in thoughs" i said sheepeshly.

,,It 's fine, You looked rather lost you need help?"
,,No...actually Yes" I said with a sigh.,,Is there some quiet place where I can be for a few hours till this charade is over ?"
,,Not a fan of crouded places?"
,,Ah...no,that's not the problem."
He looks me up and down and than he
tilt his head to my ear.,,The winter garden on the left at the end of the hallway."He whisper to me as if telling me a secret.

,,Thanks" i said with a smile on my face and passed by him.
At the end of corridor I look behind and see him looking at me. He sees me looking and puts his thumb up.
I laugh quietly ,,Adorable"i say to myself.

When I open a door my senses are overwhelmed by colours and smells of the winter garden.
At the center is lounge chair with pillows.I sit there and my chest starts feeling heavy. I let my tears fall freely, but, try to stay quiet. All from the expectations and hard training from grandma and now my mother.
,,Knock knock,, the door starts to open and I quickly wipe my tears. The head of my rescuer looks behind the door.
,,I thought you might want some sweets." He holds a tray full of delicaties.
,,Actually yes,please."
He steps forward a sits beside me,put the plate between us and look at me.
There was the content quiet as we started to eat and enjoy the food.

When we finished I said: ,,thanks for this i needed it.I just realised i don't know your name."
,,It's Mathias Cartwright."He answers immedietly.
,,Ah, your family works with mining, right? I am YN/LN.Nice to meet you."
I look at him and expect some reaction of fear in his eyes,but nothing there. That pleased me.
,,Yes you are right and is't a pleasure to meet you."

We talked for another hour and my heart finally felt calm.
When was time to depart, I gave him my number and told him he should call me so we could continue our conversation.

My family cars was waiting for me outside and I saw my mothers face.she definitely was not happy with my dissapearence.
For my suprise it didn't bother me at all.
,,Get.In.The.Car."She said controling her anger.She can't cause a scene out here.

When we got home She was angry alright ,but as i packed my things to return to my grandma, I didn't had power to cry anymore.

After a few weeks of chatting with Mathias,we decided to meet at the city (My grandma lives in big cottage in the forest).Because my grandma don't aprove of me seeing a boy I just tell her I need to buy new dress for next party. She looked at me suspiciously,but let it pas.
Be there at seven o'clock sharp understood ? If you don't I go and look for you.
Knowing she would definitely done that a start nodding.,,Seven o'clock sharp, understood."I repeat obediently.
,,Good"she says in content voice.

It was 3 o'clock when I got to our meeting place at the tavern called Holokulus.I sit at the back and type on my phone:

I am here ,You?

Come behind the tavern


I stand up and start walking toward the back of the tavern.When I got there there wasn't anyone.
I looked down my phone and start typing.

Where are you?

,,Here."I hear a whisper in my ear and a sudden pain at the back of my head and feel my body falling down.

Than, there was just blackness.

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