"Tag Eins des Todes meiner Eltern..."

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2 Months. 2 Months Fenner's parents suffered the death from a Eldritch Mutnat. 13-16 stage mutant. Recent from Stasis. Fenner now walks alone, in the streets of what used to be Sunrise City. Trying to find some of the best stuff he can to sell to "Buy N' Sell" in Bargetown. Bargetown being controlled by the Coalition, the Coalition restrict the visibility of weapons in your hands as it makes you appear as a threat. If you have stolen gear from a Coalition troop, they will ask you for Identification, and if you don't have the right ID, you will be arrested. Time in prison, unknown. But you will be arrested.

Fenner makes his way through Sunrise City, trying to find stuff he could sell to Buy N' Sell for ND or NC. Fenner is still sad and has minor PTSD from the death of his parents, walking with his Torus in-hand. Alone, worried and sad, he comes across the Star Hotel. Set somewhere to the left from the bridge entering into the North Island woods and Bargetown. He checks inside, and looks for stuff he could use.

He finds nothing, and dusk is approaching. He starts to retreat to his old camp set somewhere in the middle of the city.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2022 ⏰

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