Chapter 4 - Coruscant

Start from the beginning

"She wanted to go see Lux," Anakin replies. Of course she did. Every time she has time when at the Senate she goes there, and Anakin is beginning to think something has happened with them.

He remembers his talk with Ahsoka about it after Onderon. "I just can't help it," Ahsoka told him, "I know I shouldn't, but I can't make it stop. I don't want it to stop." She'd seemed afraid of his disapproval after that, but all he could offer her was that he thought she should wait longer to think about it.

"If you truly want to make this choice, Ahsoka, I won't dissuade you. But you must know what it will mean. Do not rush into this."

"I know, Master," she'd said, and they had left it that.

"She's been with him a lot lately," comments Padme with a knowing smile on her face.

"Yes, she has been," Anakin agrees, "I've been around Lux to see how much he cares about her." He's not really worried about their relationship in that regard. He doesn't think that Lux would ever do anything that might hurt Ahsoka, even if he's obviously going to be cautious.

"Lux is a good person," Padme replies. "He has what she needs, I think."

"He is," Anakin agrees. Speaking of which, he should probably go see what's going on with them. They don't need someone else to be stumbling in on them.

Padme nods. "Good idea. My next appointment will be starting shortly anyway."

As always. "See you later, Angel," Anakin sighs before he slips out of the office, heading for where Lux's office is. Through his bond with Ahsoka, he can sense how she feels almost hyper.

Anakin steps into the room to see Lux and Ahsoka standing next to each other. He has an arm around her, and she's hugging him back, head resting on his shoulder.

Both of them jump sky high at the sudden intrusion, and Ahsoka practically teleports across the room, montrals blushing furiously. "Hey, Master," she splutters frantically, in a pathetically failed attempt at covering up what he just saw. And really, if she hadn't panicked, and if he didn't know her so well, he could just as well have assumed they were only close friends.

"Master Skywalker?" Lux blurts in greeting, practically squirming.

"Calm down," Anakin advises, trying his best not to laugh. "I have no intention of telling anyone."

"I, um – I know?" Ahsoka splutters, in a frantic attempt to recollect herself.

Doing this means that she's technically breaking the Code, but he can also completely understand it, and that makes things... complicated.

"If you intend to do this, you need to... try being a little less suspicious?" Anakin points out.

"We um... weren't expecting anyone to come in," Lux supplies, still looking decidedly embarrassed.

"That is my point. You need to be a lot more careful than this." He might okay with their relationship, but it's still forbidden for Jedi, and he'd rather not dwell on what could happen if Ahsoka was found out. "And you need to strictly act like nothing more than friends when you're around anyone else."

"I'll keep that in mind," Ahsoka replies, giving him a slight nod. Probably because she really wasn't expecting a speech from him as to how to keep a relationship totally against the Jedi way a secret.

"Now," Anakin says, "We still have some things to take care of here. You can go on ahead. I'll be there shortly." Ahsoka gives him another odd look but slips out of the room without argument.

Lux eyes him, looking decidedly uncomfortable. "You want to talk to me?"

He knows how much Lux cares about Ahsoka, and their relationship doesn't really bother him, but that doesn't mean he isn't going to be on the safe side. "Yes, I do," he agrees, "About Ahsoka."

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