Bad Guy Teresa Au - Golden Dolphin Heist Gone Wrong #1

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At their hideout, Shark started a fight with Snake after he ate the last push pop, Piranha and Tarantula joining in on the fight while Wolf and Teresa sat on the couch. Wolf spoke to Teresa while motioning her to the others fighting, "Animals." She laughs from that before grabbing the remote and says, "Let's see what they're saying about us today." She turns on the tv, which turns out to be the news as the news woman, Tiffany Fluffit, spoke, "What's up? It's Tiffany Fluffit, Channel 6 Action News. The Bad Guys and the Joker have struck again..." Wolf perks up and says to the others, "Guys, guys stop it. We're on TV." The others stopped fighting and joins Wolf and Teresa while Tiffany continued, "...with their most brazen heist yet, proving once more that they are the most diabolical criminals of our time."

Ms Tarantula spoke, "Ooh, "Diabolical." That's new." Shark spoke after, "You know what it sounds like? A cologne." Teresa spoke like in a perfume ad, "Diabolical." The others laughed at her act before Tiffany continued, "To address this heinous crime spree is the newly elected governor, Diane Foxington." The camera pans to Diane standing near the microphone stand as Teresa groans with annoyance upon seeing her governor of a sister on the screen before Wolf teases Teresa, "Governor? Looks like your sister's in charge of practically everything now, huh Terry?"

Teresa rolls her eyes from that before Diane spoke, "Okay, yeah, I hear you, I hear you. Listen, listen. We all know how dastardly the Bad Guys and the Joker are." "You bet we are." Wolf spoke before Diane continued, "But more than anything...*chuckles*...I feel sorry for them." The others grew confused as Diane continues, "First off, these so-called "Bad Guys" are really just second-rate has-beens. Behind their amateurish antics and, frankly, unoriginal capers...I mean, really? Another nothing but a deep well of anger."

Piranha gets upset and yells, "I ain't angry! You're angry!"

Diane: Denial.

Tarantula: *folds her arms angrily* Not true!

Diane: And self-loathing.

Snake: The only one I self-loath is you.

"And those are holes that no amount of cash or priceless art can ever fill." Diane finished off, leaving the Bad Guys, except Teresa, angry before Snake asks, "What's on the Food Network?" Teresa snickered from that before Diane spoke again, "And let's not forget about those ridiculous pranks the Joker left on our streets...I mean seriously, another slime bomb?...that only proves that the Joker isn't capable of being a good bad guy compared to the Bad Guys." Teresa gets offended and says, "Hey, at least I have something you'd wish you had: a life to have fun with." Diane continued on about the Joker, "And whoever was behind the mask of the Joker must've been someone begging for the attention and recognition they deserve, but no, that's just a single, whole empty hole in the world, waiting to be filled up." Teresa grew silent from that, her ears folded down as she averts her eyes away from the TV. Wolf gets angry and says, "Who is she to judge us?"

He growled before Diane spoke, "So, can we just forget about who the Bad Guys and the Joker was and focus on more positive things? And what could be more positive than the Annul Good Samaritan Awards, where tomorrow night I will present the Golden Dolphin to this year's goodest citizen?" Wolf has had it and turns off the TV before Tarantula spoke, "I can't believe I voted for her." Piranha looks at her and asks, "You voted for her?" "What? She's good at climate change." Tarantula replied, while Teresa looks forward and suddenly smiled a bit, coming up with an idea. Snake saw her look and says, "Wait. What's going on? You've got that twinkle in your eye."

Teresa gets up and says, "Alright, which one of you guys are up for another job? A big one." She opens up the curtains to reveal what the big job is: stealing the Golden Dolphin. Snake didn't grow amuse and says, "The Golden Dolphin. Seriously?" Piranha was shocked and spoke, "Oh! I thought I was the crazy one." Snake slithers off the couch and says, "That job has broken every criminal who's tried it."

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