Teresa and Diane's argument scene

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Inside the facility that is testing on guinea pigs, the Bad Guys and Teresa waited for Mr Snake to open the door where the pigs are. Mr Snake got the door open, but when he opens it, Mr Snake has already eaten most of the Guinea pigs, so the team had to get him to spit them out. Mr Wolf grabs Mr Snake and twirls him, making him spit out the guinea pigs as one hits a button to the door. Outside, Professor Marmalade was giving a speech to the protestors that the Bad Guys and Teresa are going to get those Guinea pigs out without harm, but when the door opens, all of the Guinea pigs rushed out of the building. As it cleared out, the protestors saw the Bad Guys and Teresa in bad movement: Wolf got Snake to spit out the last Guinea pigs, Shark has a couple of Guinea pigs in his mouth, Webs was riding on one Guinea pig and holding onto its ears, Piranha was holding the critter down and Teresa has one in her jaws. She sees the crowd and instantly spat out the critter and says, "Okay, this isn't what it looks like, folks." Suddenly the alarm goes off from the inside as the Bad Guys and Teresa give nervous smiles. Pictures were taken to city hall and Diane had to be there back in Marmalade's place.

She reads the newspaper and scolds, "Trespassing, burglary, mayhem, assault with a deadly snake?" The group gave nervous smiles before Diane looks at Teresa and scolds, "Teresa, I know your pranks aren't like this...but this? I expect better from you! What kind of idea do you have in mind for this?!" Professor Marmalade tried to explain, "Well, Ms Governor-" Teresa suddenly interrupts and yells, "Now hold on! Marmalade said it was gonna be a heist for good! We would've pulled it off if Snake didn't try to eat those Guinea pigs in the first place." Wolf steps in and says, "Yeah, it wasn't suppose to be that way. We really were suppose to save them."

Diane raises both her hands and says, "Okay...I'm sorry, Professor, but I'm calling the chief. This experiment is over." She begins to walk away, leaving Teresa in a fit of rage as she storms after her with Marmalade trying to reassure Diane's decision. Teresa follows her and says, "Diane, come on. You can't be serious about that. Just give us another chance and it'll be a good one." Diane halts from that and turns to her before scolding, "You know, I'm mostly angry at you from this experiment, along with almost HURTING someone from your pranks and I don't know how long I could try to keep you out of jail! I'm trying to keep you safe."

Marmalade gets in between and says, "Diane, please, they are telling the truth. They really were suppose to do a heist for good and your sister was only trying to help out." Teresa then yells, "Yeah, I mean, I didn't think one of my pranks would actually hurt someone, but I only do those pranks for fun! It's what I do. YOU never let me do anything fun! You were always busy with your dumb governor work that you never have the proper time to be with me! I mean, why do you act selfish? Was all of this because of your reputation as governor?"

Diane was shocked at what she said as her scolding turned to anger as she yells, "I'M ACTING SELFISH?! I've been stuck getting you out of jail because of your reckless pranks! You never think about the actions you've done to those people! Not only do I feel angry when I'm with you, I feel-" "What? 'Embarrassed'? You feel embarrassed when you're with me?! Huh? Say it!"

Diane went silent as she gave her a glare. Teresa growled and says, "Yeah I thought so. I don't know what makes you want to protect me, but you're not the only adult here. You're always everybody's favorite. And me, your own flesh and blood. Am I just a mistake to you? I'm just a setback to your future?" "YEAH MAYBE YOU ARE!"

Diane yells at the last part. Hearing the truth hurts Teresa as she grows speechless and her ears folded down with sadness. Marmalade gasps softly from what Diane just said. Diane breaths heavily as her eyes were red with anger, but upon seeing a hint of sadness in Teresa's eyes, she immediately went calm and gasps softly of what she did. She reached her hand out to Teresa and says, "Teresa...I didn't mean-" Without a warning, Teresa slapped Diane's hand away, causing the orange foxess to retract her hand. Teresa's eyes show pure hatred and a few teardrops forming her eyes as she mutters, "Thanks for the heads up." She then storms back inside the house, leaving Diane to regret saying those words. Later on, Mr Wolf went up to Diane before saying, "Madam Governor. Diane."

Diane didn't wanna hear it and says, "Do not Clooney me, Wolf." He didn't stop and says, "Oh, I see what's going on. You think I'm still a Bad Guy, trying to bamboozle my way to freedom, but we've changed. That flower of goodness is blossoming all over the place." Diane sighs and asks, "Don't you ever get tired of lying?" He stutters for a moment before Diane continues, "I gave you an opportunity—a chance to show the world that you're more than just a scary stereotype, but you're too proud or too gutless to take advantage of it." Wolf became offensive and says, "Gutless? I'm gutless?"

He chuckled and says, "Oh, I'm sorry, have we met? I'm the villain of every story. Guilty until proven innocent. Even if by some miracle we did change, who's gonna believe us, huh? Of course you wouldn't know anything about that, with your Little Miss Perfect power suits." She sighs and says, "Is that so?" She then shows the ring Wolf pickpocketed from her from the party. Wolf was shocked as he searched his pockets to find that ring no longer in his pockets. "What did... How did you-"

"A wolf and a fox are not so different. Maybe they will believe you, maybe they won't, but it doesn't matter. Don't do it for them. Do it for you. This is a chance to write your own story. To find a better life for you and your friends. Come on, what have you got to lose?" Diane ask before Wolf replied, "I don't know... my dignity?"

She chuckled and says, "Yeah, well, that ship has already sailed. Believe it or not, I'm rooting for you, Wolf." She gets inside the car before Wolf walks up to ask, "So you're not gonna call the chief?" Diane gave him a small smile and says, "I'll see you at the gala." She then drove away. She looks at Wolf from the back mirror, but caught a glimpse of her sister, still mad at what she said, making the guilt inside her cut deep. She didn't mean those words to Teresa, but at the same time, she didn't want her sister going down the same path she did.

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