chapter seventeen - red razzles

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Three days later...

Another dreaded day of school yet I wake up with a smile on my face. Today is different.

I groan, stiffly getting out of bed and stretching slowly like a sleepy cat. I make my way to my closet and rummage through it pulling out a plain white paint stained tank top paired with some baggy jeans and my favourite pair of Chuck Taylor all stars converse shoes. I throw on some expired mascara I stole from my mom before the divorce and head downstairs to find my dad cooking something that smelt putrid.

"Sweetie! Im trying to make a full english breakfast but im not sure if I did it right." He said stirring a soup of beans, eggs, bacon and tomato. There is no way that's going anywhere near my mouth.

"Do I have to eat that?" I ask trying to breathe through my mouth instead of my nose to get rid of the smell.

"Nono I wont force you to eat anything, I actually made you cereal because I assumed you wouldn't eat this." He laughed, turning the stove off and putting the pan to the side for him to attempt to eat later.

"Thanks dad," I sighed "I know I've been tough on you lately and I'm sorry. Its just this new place was freaking me out but I shouldn't have acted like that to you, you don't deserve that." I say.

A day earlier to this Vance talked to me about his feelings on how I talk to my dad, and how he was confused on how I kept saying my dad sucks because of what he's been through and I realised how horrible I had been to him.

"Aw kiddo. It's okay I understand its a big change to move so far away. Just know that I love you no matter what." He smiled, "Also put on a jacket its cold out" he said and I laughed finishing my cereal and grabbing my dads big leather jacket.

"Bye dad" I say opening the door and running towards Robin who was waiting for me on the side walk.

"What took you so long? Vance is probably having a heart attack without you." Robin said lightly shoving me in the shoulder and starting to walk towards school. I roll my eyes and catch up to him shoving him back.


I open my locker and a bunch of red Razzles fall out making a mess on the floor. What the fuck? I go to pick them up but then someone goes to help me. When I see who it is a warm blush dusts upon my face.

"I didn't think they would fall out like this sorry- Robin told me they were your favourite." Vance said quickly picking them up and putting them back in your locker.

I laugh and plant a soft kiss on his cheek, "It's alright I love red Razzles. I talked to my dad and apologised." I smile and he suddenly hugs me tightly, taking me by surprised. He planted plenty of kisses wherever he could reach without letting go of the tight hug.

"I love you so so much dumb shit" He said and you could hear the smile on his face, still trying to plant kisses all over me. "I'll see you tonight right?" He says finally letting go of the hug and letting me breathe.

I hate Vance Hopper. I hate his stupid hair, I hate his stupid pinball obsession, but the thing I hate the most is my big fat stupid crush on him.

"It's a date." I smile.

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