chapter ten - hickeys and bruises

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"You're good at this. We should do this more often." I cooed at him in the middle of heavy breaths because finally I could get some air, not that I'm complaining. He kissed and bit me painting my neck and collar bone with bites and hickeys. Instead of second-hand smoke and grape bubble gum enveloping me its pure, concentrated lust and I'm drowning in it.

"Fuck, you're so beautiful" He says as his hot breath clings against my neck, his voice is hoarse yet intoxicating and I can't get enough of it. I reply in a groan and my hand begins to glide up his shirt. He makes his way back to my mouth again and his tongue glides into my mouth. I quickly try to take Vances shirt off and he lets me, taking off my own shirt  leaving only my bra in the process. I feel his skin against mine, its soft and firm but I feel his fingertips are rough and calloused as they hold my waist. I look at him for a moment and he nods, I reach down to start to undo his belt.

I hear a creak from my right ear but I'm too caught up in the moment to notice someone is standing in the door frame. Well— until I hear the glass of a beer bottle shattering on the rigid wood flood, thats when I got startled and looked over. It was Michael, he wasn't going to cockblock me right now was he? he better not.

"Get the girl out of this house right now boy. I'll tell your fucking—" he burped, stinking up the room with the smell of hard liquor and pizza. "I'll fucking tell your mother you stupid little shit and beat the fuckin' sense into you." he says completely drunk. Oh this is serious. Vance quickly grabs my shirt and gives it to me, putting his own shirt back on and getting off of me.

"I'm so sorry Mr. I had no bad intentions with Vance I swear" I say as I put back on my shirt, sitting up on the bed.

"Get out of my fucking house you whore." He says. Things are silent for a couple seconds but then Michael spits on me. I sit there in shock, I don't know if I'm more shaken up from him cockblocking me or the fact that Vance has to live with this guy. I wipe the spit off of me and I get up, walking out past him. "And I don't want to see you on my property ever again you fuckin' prostitute" I hear him say with that gross, deep, and gurgling voice. I look back at Vance who's sitting back up on the bed and looking down at the floor, and I have an awful feeling about leaving him there.

"Uhm" I clear my throat "See you at school tomorrow-" I say before I make my way out the front door. I walk back home, alone and cold as it gets dark. I maybe should've thought about how I would get back into my house before sneaking out but I didn't care anymore, I wanted my bed. I rang my doorbell and waited. A couple seconds pass and my dad opens the door immediately asking what happened or if I was okay. I didn't know I looked like a complete mess but I'm definitely aware now that my dad keeps reminding me. Apparently my makeup is running and he thinks I'm crying which I'm genuinely surprised I'm not doing right now.


I wore a sweater the next day to try cover up my hickeys.

"I can't really remember what happened next because I was kinda- really like- drunk. but then he put his hands on my waist and-" I swoon but Robin quickly cuts me off by covering up his ears and yelling.

"I don't want to hear none of that." He said making a fake gagging nose. "So basically you fucked Vance hopper. I think I'm gonna throw up." Robin said.

"Nono his uh step dad cockblocked me before we could get anywhere more. So basically just a hot steamy make out sesh" I say and Robins hands fly to his ears again.

"I told you I didn't want anymore of that!" he said cringing.

"But you asked!" I shoved him.

"Not about how hot and steamy it was!" Robin yelled looking genuinely petrified and I laughed.


I wait at my locker for Vance and he takes 20 minutes more then me to get there, he doesn't even live that far away whats taking him so long? I lean up against my locker and see my favourite familiar face start to stomp towards me, but he seems— off. I finally get a look of his face and he has a big purple bruised eye and his top lip was busted through. I know for a fact I didn't do that to him.

"Vance— What the fuck happened?" I ask but he doesn't respond. "I'm sorry— did Michael do that to you? Because of me?" I ask, I don't want to be nosey but this is truly and utterly fucked up. He walks off without saying a word to me, what the fuck.

First period we had English anyway so he was in my class. Hopefully Mr Carter wont notice me passing notes to Vance again, I'll just have to be careful.

I really hope I didn't fuck everything up with Vance.

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