chapter three - 5th period

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Its 5th period, last period of the day and I've been ready to go home since period 2. The only thing interesting thats happened all day is 1st period where me and this Bruce Yamada guy were flirting all for the most of it, trying to ignore all the spit balls Vance and his brunette "friend" was shooting at my back. At lunch I was sitting cross legged on the toilet with my paper bag filled with a peanut and jelly sandwich and a small bag of razzles that my dad put a little note on, I obviously didn't read it. All lunch I was listening to the girls gossip, well mostly about me but the other stuff was interesting too I guess. As I'm chewing on my razzles and doodling on my notebook instead of taking notes like everyone else I see a ball of scrunched up paper bounce onto my desk as the teacher was writing something on the board. I raised an eyebrow and open it, reading what it said.

I thought you were a nerd why arnt u paying atention -v

Is what the note read in bright blue ink. I immediately know who "v" is. I turn to look at him frowning at me from the back of the classroom, he was sat at his desk alone. people going out of their way to make sure that there was at-least one empty desk separating them and vance. I feel kinda bad, is he talking to me because I'm the only one not scared of him? I begin to write back to him.

Because i'm good at english and this class is a waste of time for me. Maybe you should be paying attention.

I write, drawing a stick figure of the teacher, Mr Carter, taking a dump. I cross out the words he misspelled and corrected them for him. I turn the note into a paper plane and wait for the teacher to turn back around so I can fly the paper plane over to him. I go back to doodling waiting for him to return the paper with his response. Thats weird, Im kind of excited.. What part of talking to a dick like him is exciting? get a grip. I think to myself tapping my foot as the crumpled piece of paper lands onto my book. I smile to myself slightly but quickly frown again as I looked at it. it was a shitty drawing of me and bruce kissing. I roll my eyes and start to write.

what the fuck. You're just jealous I'm flirting with him and not you.

I throw it over to vance without noticing that the teacher was facing towards the class, completely unaware.

"Do you two want to share that with the class? I hope some Shakespeare level literature is written on there." He said crossing his arms. I hear the thud of Vances fist on his desk and I know he read what I wrote.

"Sorry Sir its nothing." I try to apologise but hes already walking over to Vance whos scribbling on what I wrote and breaking the paper from the pressure in the process. The teacher is hovering over Vance, reading what we wrote.

"Both of you to the office now." he shakes his head in frustration "The rest of you read chapter 7 whilst I'm gone." he waits for you both to pick up your books and when I'm done and waiting for the teacher to take us, Vance isn't budging.
"Hopper go to the office or I will personally get your parents here and tell them all about the little stunt you pulled last week." Mr Carter asserted. Vance glared up at him and started to gather his stuff not breaking eye contact whatsoever. He got up and pushed past the teacher and made his way out. I quickly follow behind Vance and the teacher walks behind us making sure we go to the office. I wouldn't doubt that he only does this with Vance and not the other students.

Mr Carter drops us off at the office and tells the assistant principal at her desk whatever dramatisation of what really happened that he wants. Me and Vance sit down next to each other and he looks confused at something but thats not the most important on my mind, the most important thing is the fact that I'm gonna get given a detention on my first fucking day.

A boy with long black hair and a kinda badass bandanna walks out of the principals office, his fists were covered in blood which checks out. He walks out and the assistant principal tells Vance he could go in. Vance glances at me but then he stomped into the office and closed the door behind him, almost slamming it by accident. It took him 15 whole ass minutes to finish talking out the consequences of his actions, I overheard the principal raising his voice about how "This is the seventh time in the past three weeks Vance." or about how she's "disappointed with his actions". The last thing I over heard was about how he was distracting me and was a bad representation for the school. I roll my eyes and keep waiting, as Vance walks out he gives me one last glance and walks out of the office.

"You're up!" The assistant principal smiles at me as I grimace back at her and walk in taking a seat in font of the principal.

"You must be— y/n? this is your first day?" she questioned and I nodded. He probably should know this as she's the principal of the school but whatever. "Listen, I know Vance Hopper was distracting you and I really hope it wont happen again. Vance is a very troubled student. If he ever does something like this again just let us know, I've been wanting to have a good reason to suspend that boy for ag-" I cut her off.

"What? I passed the note first. I drew Mr Carter shitting. I drew me and whats his name kissing. I was the one distracting him. I was the one distracting Vance." I uttered angrily, I starting to get up.

"If thats the case then detention. After school tomorrow." the principal said taking a sip of her coffee. fuck. I walk out and the bell rings, finally time to go home.

I go to my locker and get all the shit I needed into my satchel, Vance is at his locker too.

"I told them it was me not you. You're welcome." I said closing my locker and starting to walk off, Vance didn't say anything back but I could feel him looking at me again.

As I'm walking home I see the guy from before that was wearing the bandanna, walking in the same direction as me so I decided to catch up with him.

"Hey. I'm y/n— you are??" I ask.

"Robin." He says, this conversation is kinda dry but I'll make it work.

"So, who'd you beat up to get all that blood on you?" I say looking down at the pavement so I don't step on a crack.

"This asshole named Moose. He swung at me first but apparently that means only I get sent to the principals office. You're the new girl who beat the shit out of Vance Hopper right? That takes serious balls to do that." he said but I shake my head and laugh.

"Yeah thats me but I didn't actually beat him up, I called him a pussy and a dick for being an asshole to a little kid. Its my first day and I already hate the way false rumours spread at this school so quickly." I chuckle kicking the rocks off of the pavement and onto the road.

"Well I mean that still takes balls to call Vance a pussy. Are you following me home just to talk to me?" He asks.

"Hm? No? This is my house right here." I point to the house a couple houses down.

"Oh! You live next to me. Are you the one with the black sabbath poster?" he asks and I nod.

"Yup thats me. Enter the dragon huh."

"Its a cinematic masterpiece. Anyway- Do you want to walk to school together tomorrow?" he asks me and I quickly agree. Is this my first actual friend in Denver?

"Sure. See you tomorrow Robin." I smile walking into my house.

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