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The winter season in the dark mistress lair never changes, it was like a large castle built in a snowball. The sun never seem to melt away the snow that constantly covered the floor and the weather never seem to warm up.

The day was the same today as always, all the dark knights stood in a formation in the large training ground that had a burial wood pile in the middle. They were all dressed in black cloaks that had the symbol of a red wolf behind them.

Their new dark mistress, Silveen stood in front of her knights, and her second in command, Ramon and Selene stood behind her on her left and right respectively, the atmosphere calm and solemn.

On the burial, wood laid a body that was wrapped in a black cloak.

Silveen walked to a burning pan and pulled out a burning torch from it, she then walked towards the burial wood. She stood there for a second and looked at the body of Adela, the former dark mistress, and her mentor.

"I will miss you greatly." She muttered and then threw the burning torch on the body. The body was immediately consumed with flames and all the dark knights went on one knee mourning as they gave the departing mistress their final bow of honor.

Silveen stood in front of the fire unmoved as the new pillar of the dark knight should, as she watched the body go up in flames. Her eyes followed the flames of the inferno to the cloudy sky.

Soon, the body burnt to ashes, and all the knights returned to their duties as all that was left were smoking hot coals, but Silveen still stood there

The milky cloud released its content and snow slowly began to fall on her as she stood there reminiscing the loss of the only true friend she had known.


THE INDIFFERENT LUNA  1 - Austan wolfWhere stories live. Discover now