Chapter 16

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What is pain? What does pain mean? Where does he comes from? What triggers it?

Pain, an unpleasant feeling or sensation. Whether it is caused physically or psychologically, it leaves a lasting mark in both areas.

When we fall and hurt ourselves, we get to know that pain and, at best, pay attention to our surroundings. This pain can spread differently. From a burning, a stinging to a numbness. We cry, scream, despair or play strong. We suffer. We need help.

Emotional pain can be treated just like physical pain. Injuries that lie deep within us are treated extensively with a specialist trained person.

But there are also pains that cannot be treated. There is pain that you have to live with, because the medicine of the time cannot heal it, or because the emotional pain is too strong, or the human brain processes things differently than we usually assume.

The brain is still unrecognized in so many areas. What can we do? How is everything entangled? Where are our memories? What happens when memories overlap? What happens when you no longer recognize reality? What happens when everything goes numb? What happens when you lose yourself?

Pain is such a broad concept. Everyone feels and feels differently. 

And what about fear? What is fear? Does fear come from the pain?

Is it fear that alarms us because we don't want to feel pain.

Fear. Be afraid of something. Restless nervous actions up to the isolation of certain stimuli.

Fear is something that comes when you already know the coming pain. We don't want pain. Fear is an instinct that helps us survive.

Fear, pain, suffering.

Bucky saw that expression. He saw fear. He felt it in the air. He saw it in Tony's eyes.

Bucky felt the pain. His cheek was still glowing from Steve's punch. But compared to what normal people were feeling, Bucky could handle it. They were both Super Soldiers. Bucky could take it. It would be nothing from anyone else. But Steve was like him and Steve was angry.

But Tony? Tony doesn't. Tony felt fear. Afraid of the pain. Bucky recognized that.

It broke his heart.What pain triggered such fear in Tony.Tony was rigid, shaking, trembling internally. 

Bucky couldn't cheer him up, much as he wanted to. He didn't know how. What should he do. He couldn't get to him. Before he could reach his hand, Tony was Stark again.Stark straightened and turned away from Bucky.

But before Bucky walked through the lab and probably left forever, there was one more thing he wanted to tell him. He wanted Tony to know he would be there for him. Always. But what if he bothered him instead of helping him.

With his words, he might lose him forever. How selfish of him, Bucky thought. But he did it anyway.

With heavy steps and holding his breath, he left the workshop.

Should that be it?

His cheek was still burning but Bucky pushed it away. This pain would go away. He took the elevator up to the living area. No sign of Steve. No noise to be heard. 

It was restlessly quiet. It was uncomfortable. it was lonely.

Bucky knocked gently on Steve's door. "Stevie? Listen buddy, that just...I know I should have held me back, not just because of the story at the past. You know in this old russian base. It's because of You and Tony. Do you hear? I'm sorry... Steve?"

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