🎇Short chapter: Aftermath of R-2's encounter for the 2nd time🎇

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Back with Team Dark...

Rouge was already bruised the second time in one go and was pestering in anger about R-2, "Once I get my hands on her, I will make sure she rots in a cell." "Agreed, determination on the experiment attack," Omega spoke but Shadow said nothing, he was contemplating the injury he earned her back at the library battle, for some different reasons, he couldn't get R-2 out of his mind it was completely new to understand these emotions when he should be a concern on capturing Dr. Eggman's new Ultimate Lifeform: "Shadow? What's wrong?" Rogue had noticed his concerns, "Nothing. We have to go back and report. He turns to his desk and stared at the screen: "There is one thing that's really curious though. When R-2 & I were fighting in the closed library, I notice that she couldn't heal, meaning she can die easily with anything. Which meant we are opposites." "So is it possible that there is a connection between you and that girl, Shadow? or the part where you actually realize that opposite attracts two people?"

Shadow was silent. Giving Rogue a full shock of disbelief, "Wait! Did that hedgehog tell you anything about the old fool's plans?" "She knows what his goal is." Shadow calmly told her while ignoring her previous question, "Then why is she sticking with him? Did he finally succeed in creating a living creature who obeys his every command?" Omega then spoke, "It is very unlikely for Shadow to be defeated."  That's when Shadow puts out his defenses, "No. He said and cross his arms again, "She seems smarter than that. It seems that she's trying to find out if it's worth helping him or not. In a way, I understand her actions." The look that Rogue saw in Shadow was somewhat having doubts and dazed by the thought of mentioning R-2, "Shadow. I can't believe it!" She exasperated in disbelief, leaving him confused: "What!" He asked annoyingly, thinking it was a normal tease but it wasn't, "Well, just that the Ultimate Lifeform sympathizes with someone! Haha! Now that's rich! I gotta give it to her. Rogue tells him, "Still, she's not forgiven." Sighed the Black Hedgehog.

"Call from the commander. He wants us to go back to the base and report." Omega said, "Let's move!" Once Team Dark made it back, the Commander was already getting calls from his superiors with the government and turns to see Shadow, Omega, and Rogue: "NOW WHERE THE HELL YOU THREE HAVE BEEN?! Did you get the specimen?" "Negative sir. Second Attempt failed." Omega replied. "The specimen is a mobian, a hedgehog. She's fast and strong. Also quick to think and create strategies when battling. She seems to know of Dr. Eggman's intentions."

Commander glares: "What does that mean? That her brain is just as deranged as his?" Shadow then stated the fact of what he can know, "No, she's simply trying to find her purpose." It didn't make the Commander feel any better, only made it worse: "Well, regardless of what she wants, we need to capture her and examine her capabilities. He continues, "Dr. Eggman may try to control her, or she may find out that she wants to destroy the world as we know it. That's why we can't wait for her decision to decide what she wants!" Shadow grunts but listens, "I understand. We will capture her one way or another." After that Team Dark leaves the room with everyone running in a hurry with the calls, enhancing more soldiers to capture R-2 at all costs, even if it meant killing her: "Shadow, what do you think we should do now?" Rogue asked him, Omega asked Shadow as well, "The target is strong both physically and mentally! Hard to beat!" Shadow then thought of an idea, and turns to them: "I know how to get her away from Dr. Eggman." "Now that's what I like to hear! So, what's the plan?" Rogue exclaimed in interest.

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