73-Honeymooners Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

"You're so lucky you know when to put in technicalities to get out of stuff because I just knew your ass was gonna try me" she deeply voiced and I was subconsciously wiping nonexistent sweat off my forehead because Lucifer really could've just said fuck it and took the half eye roll as a full one.

"I had to get you going just a little. Had to see how senseless I was gonna be just by that first grab and you grabbed me like you were about to fuck me up so I chose life" I explained and she just sucked her teeth at me while rolling her own eyes at my antics.

"So it's cool when you do it, but a problem when I do it?" I asked and I don't even know why I did because I already knew the answer as I watched her nod her head.

"Yes, that's exactly correct. You're so smart baby girl" she evilly voiced while smiling and rubbing my back again, making me scoff at her sarcasm.

"And this is exactly why I do stuff to spite you"

"No you just do it because you're a defiant sub who likes punishments especially when it's me who's in control" she read me like I was one of her flimsy university documents and I gasped while she gave me the same knowing look.

Not her spilling all your tea. You might as well be the damn Boston Tea Party at this point.

Who in the entire hell asked for your commentary right now?

Oh so you don't like it when it's me in the subconscious throwing shots, but you do it constantly when I'm in control.

I didn't deserve to get read like that. She's a dirty liar.

"Tanya, be so fucking forreal right now mamas. Who you trying to fool because you know damn well it ain't Giselle Knowles" she flat out clocked me and I finally caught her ass in a needed correction for once.

"Maraj-Knowles since you want to be technical, Mrs. Be-Fucking-Forreal"

"It's Dr. Be-Fucking-Forreal since you wanna play the correction game with a genius. Don't play with me because you know I will win this game each time" she overpowered me and I was scowling at her hard while she flashed her tiny ass rows of teeth at me.

"Why do you always have to be so calculated?" I huffed and turned in her hold to have my front rinsed off with the water. That just set me up because Giselle was now pressed against my back and when her lips touched my ear I knew it was a wrap.

"Baby I don't know who you think you fucking with, but you're fucking with someone who can literally think 10 times as fast as any person who challenges me by default. I ain't any of the regular, degular, nor dumbass niggas that try and holla at you and you know that Queen so you might as well dead that cute little belief that I'm ever not gonna be sixteen steps ahead of you pretty girl" she talked her shit in my ear like I was her possession with a territorial kiss to my ear and despite her not being able to see my full facial expression, I knew she could sense me trying my hardest not to completely gawk at her because she sounded sexy as hell when she got to shit talking like this. Sure enough her ass started chuckling knowingly as she put her chin in the crook of my neck and grinned.

"You are so easily distracted"

"We must stay focused my brothers. We must stay focused" I voiced while still not giving her my attention because she was about to eat me up again and I couldn't have that. In response, she started laughing as she began to help rinse me off with her in tow.

"I can't with you. Can't take shit seriously"

"That's why you married me. You knew what the deal was when you unleashed me so now it's my turn to talk shit and say that you aren't fucking with any of those boring, dumbass bitches or niggas that you've probably gave Luciferian false dreams to in the past. Unlike them I got a ring and the best pussy you've ever had in your entire 358 years of living so we definitely ain't the same" I finally looked to my right at her to say and the way she just looked at me with stars in her eyes had me chuckling now.

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