Chapter 4

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   Chapter 4

The attempt of taking down of the voodoo man

A year later Eudora gets better. She is still living with Tiana and Naveen in the castle. Tiana is talking to her biological dad in secret and getting to know him so she can take him down for good and black magic can stop and the town will be safe for the next generation.

Tiana's plan was simple: she would get the voodoo man to trust her enough to take her to his lair so she can find the item that gives him his power and destroy it. But the only problem is that she doesn't want to seem suspicious to him. If he finds out her plan it's back to start. Which means she has to be careful and make sure he doesn't know what's going to happen before it happens. All she needs him to do is walk right into her trap.

The voodoo man point of view: That old lady Eudora is lucky I didn't kill her the first time . But soon she will be out my way and Tiana will rule the world with me forever. And nobody can stop me.

His friends on the other side asked him "are you even sure she will join you?''

He replied" of course she will after I full her brian with all the possibilities of being powerful she'll join me and if she don't i'll kidnap her and force he to join me "

"But she is already powerful. She is queen and is married to King Naveen. You don't think he won't look for her or send people from his guards to look for her." said friends on the other side

"I will just have to deal with him when it comes to it" said the voodoo man

"If you say so but just know if your plan fails you will be rejected of your powers and all the spells and magic that you have casted will be gone." friends on the other side

"Whatever and I won't let my plan fail because it will be successful and I will prove it to you" said the voodoo man

"Don't talk to us until your plan has been completed and you have succeeded"said friends on the other side

One day while Tiana and the voodoo man were having a conversation over lunch he mentioned that he wants to show her his shop is aka his lair. And she happily agreed because she was one more step closer to achieving her goal. She finds out where the lair is located and soon she will make her move.

A couple months go by and Tiana is ready to take down the voodoo man she has everything she needs. Everything is in place. All she needs to do is to get him out of the lair. She got a key to the lair when they had lunch and he wanted her to be able to come in when she felt free to see him. But little do he know that was a bad idea and will cost him his powers.

She calls him to meet her at her restaurant that has been closed for a couple of months due to her mom being sick. She wanted to give him a tour of what she made for herself. But this was just a distraction, so she could get into the shop, find where his powers come from and destroy it before he comes back from being stood up.

She watched him leave and made sure he was far away from the shop before she went in. When she went in she looked everywhere until she heard something talk. When she turned around there souls in the mirror and they were talking to her. She knew that had to be where his power was coming from. He was talking to the dead.

And they gave him powers and they obeyed him. She broke the mirror and left and went home and texted him she wasn't going to make it and that something had come up. But he was too weak to know something had happened so he went as fast as he could back to the lair. Just to find that his mirror had been broken and wonder who had done it? Then he realized the only person who had a key was Tiana. But he didn't want to jump to conclusions; he was too weak. He had to rest until he could comfort her.

When he was strong enough to ask Tiana about it she denied it and told him she would never try to ruin their bond. But he didn't believe her and had to find evidence.And how to get his mirror fixed so his magic could still work even though it might not be as strong as before since the mirror was brokee.His friends on the other side told him what happened and he couldn't believe that his own daughter would do something like dat to him.

He had something for her to teach her a lesson to never play with him again and that she needs to watch her every move now. He was coming for her family. And he was going to make her join him and pay for everything she did to him.He wasn't going to let her get away with it and was teaching her a lesson to never cross him ever again as long as she breathes. Eudora will feel his pain. Tiana was happy that black magic was gone, at least she thought it was gone... 

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