Chapter 2

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   Chapter 2

My dad does voodoo magic/he hurt my mom

Here's a summary of what happened in chapter 1. So basically I found out that James wasn't my real dad and was killed by my real dad because he didn't like him. Mom kept it from me for 35 years of my life until it blew up in her face. So that's what has happened so far.

"Sorry everybody for what just happened, everything is fine there is nothing to worry about. Please continue to enjoy your time here at Tiana's palace.", said Tiana

"Come on let's go outside and talk about this.", said Eudora

" What's his real name? and what is voodoo magic?" Said, Tiana

"It's Dr.Facilier and it's traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers or magic for evil and selfish purposes, or magic associated with the devil or other evil spirits," said Eudora

"OH MY GOSH", said Tiana

"I know it's a lot but I was trying to protect myself. I think you should go home and rest and think about how you feel. I'll tell Mr.William you're ready to go. I'll call to check on you later.", said Eudora

"okay", said Tiana

Mr. William comes with the car and she goes home. The kids were out with Naveen so it was just her. She showered and took a nap to relax her mind from the stressful day she had. When she woke up the kids and Naveen were home. She spent time with kids before bedtime. They played UNO, Trouble, candyland and ect. She gave them a bath and put them to bed. Her mom never called. Naveen was getting ready for bed and he could tell that something was wrong. He asked what was wrong and she explained what happened .They talked about it and went to sleep, but Tiana didn't go to sleep. She waited for Naveen to go to sleep so she could write in her journal about today.

Dear, Journal

Today was very stressful. I found out my dad it's James but some man who is called the shadow man. He does Black magic/voodoo magic. This is crazy cause I didn't even know that existed until today, And I can't get over that my mom lied to me for 35 consecutive years, but I can understand why as a mom cause I would do the same for my kids so I mean I can't be too mad. I just got to get used to the feeling of my biological father being alive. I have some much to ask him if I ever talk to him, but I don't think i'm I don't want my mom to worry about what will happen to me if he actually gets to know me.

After she finishes writing in her journal she goes to sleep. The next day she just spent time with Naveen and the kids and had family time. They went to the park, ate ice cream, played games, made TikToks, and other family fun activities. Tiana got a call that her mom was in the hospital. She rushed to the hospital to see her mom and to find out what happened. When she got there the doctor told her that they were still running tests. And that her mom fell down the stairs and broke her hip and ankle and she will need surgery, but they don't think it was an accident and that it was planned on how they found her.But she said it was an accident. Tiana wondered how she did that and was she ok?, but the real question is who would hurt my mom?The doctor told her what her room number was and what the surgery was going to cost. They also said the police were coming to ask her some questions.

"MAMA!!!!!!! Are you ok?How did you fall?", said Tiana

" I'm ok baby. I just slipped, I'm just in pain.',said mom

"Okay",said Tiana

"The doctor said they didn't think it was an accident and that it was planned as to why you fell. An that the police will be here to ask you some questions." said Tiana

"Okay baby. It was an accident. I missed a step and fell, that's all it is. " said mom

"Ok mom if you say so. When you get out the hospital your coming to stay with us ok?I'm call Naveen and tell him that you are ok." said Tiana

"Okay dear" ,said Eudora

Tiana called Naveen and told him what happened and she was suspicious about her fall. Even though she is 65 years old. She is not clumsy and pays attention to her surroundings, also she told him she will be staying with them.Later the police came and asked her some questions about the fall. After tiana made sure her mom was ok and paid for her surgery and that her mom was moved to a private room that is secured . She left and she went home.When Naveen and the kids had a nice hot bubble bath ready for her. She enjoyed it very much. She went to bed relaxed and with a clear mind.

Shadow man point of view. Eudora is lucky I didn't kill right then and there. That was her warning not to cross me ever again. His friends on the other side helped him put Eudora in the hospital. Now that she is out of the way this is his chance to get closer to Tiana and make her come to the other side with him. But he doesn't know that she is married and has kids aka his grandkids.

The test comes back and Eudora finds out that she has stage 3 cancer and she doesn't want Tiana to know. It's bad enough that she had already kept her biological dad a secret but that her mom is dying and is going to crush her. Tiana's mom aka Eudora has her surgery a week later she tells Tiana about her stage 3 l cancer and that she probably only has a month or less to live . Tiana was crushed but she stood strong because she knew her mom didn't want her to look at her any differently. She already knew this day would come but it was too soon. 

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