Chapter 1

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                                            Chapter 1

He isn't my real father

Hey dad, It was a normal day in the castle. It's crazy how I grew up in a small neighborhood. I'm living my dream life with my family. I married Naveen and we have 3 kids named James, Theodora, and Natalia. Mom is doing ok. The restaurant has been getting a lot of business lately. Well, that's all for now.

She closed her notebook and put it in the drawer with the rest of the letters

"Mommy!!, breakfast is done," said James.

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute," said Tiana.

"Okay, hurry up before dad eats all the eggs," said James.

"Okay, honey," said Tiana.

That's James, the oldest of my three kids.

She walked downstairs to the breakfast nook.

"Good morning my handsome husband, good morning my lovely children," said Tiana.

"Good morning my love," Naveen replied.

"Good morning mommy!" the kids said.

"Anyone save me some eggs?" said Tiana.

" yes mom we did," said the kids

Tiana made a plate, sat down, and ate.

" Can you watch the kids while I'm at the restaurant? It's getting really busy and they need me", said Tiana

"Yes I can, what y'all want to do today while mom is at work", said Naveen.

" I want to play basketball", said James.

"I want to play in the garden," said Theodora

"I want to paint," said Natalia

"Okay okay, guys, we do all these things after we finish eating," said Naveen.

"Okay", said the kids

"Okay, guys I have to get to the restaurant to see you guys later tonight", said Tiana.

She kisses their heads and leaves

"Mr. Williams, can you take me to the restaurant, please?" said Tiana.

"Yes, ma'am", said Mr. Williams

At the restaurant

"Hey, mama", Tiana said.

"Hey, honey, how are the kids?'' said Tiana's mom.

"They're good. How has the restaurant been doing?", said Tiana

"That's good, let's set these tables up. Also what's special for today?", said Tiana's mom

"Daddy's famous gumbo", said Tiana

"You haven't made that in a while, what makes you want to make it today?'' said Tiana's mom.

"I just have been thinking about daddy and you know his birthday is coming up. I thought this was a good way to celebrate him. I have been feeling him. I feel his presence in the room", said Tiana

" Who is our live band for today mama?", said Tiana

"Since you're back at work, I was thinking you would like to sing us a song upon your return", said Tiana's mom

That would be great, thanks for the suggestion, now that I think about it why don't I sing

"Almost there!!!" said, Tiana

"Also, there is something I need to tell you after we close the restaurant", said Tiana's mom

"Ok ", said Tiana

30 minutes after getting the restaurant together for opening

" Well mama it's time to open the doors, On three!", said Tiana

"ONE!", Tiana said

"TWO!!", said Tiana's mom

"THREE!!!!", said Tiana and her mom

They open the doors and people start walking in

"Oh hey Tiana welcome back, how have you been?", said a customer

Everybody was happy to see Tiana back and enjoyed her daddy's famous gumbo. They had a lot of business.

3 hours after the restaurant opened. The restaurant was packed and everybody wanted gumbo. They had to make a whole new batch of gumbo.

"Hey everyone, thank you for supporting my restaurant. I couldn't do this without you guys and I wanted to sing a song that I wrote when I first opened the restaurant. Some of you may be familiar with this song. I hope you like it", said Tiana

"Mama! I don't have time for dancing!

That's just gonna have to wait a while.

Ain't got time for messing around and it's not my style.

This old town can slow you down.

People talk the easy way, but I know exactly where I'm going.

I'm getting closer and closer every day and I'm almost there.

I'm almost there.

People down here think I'm crazy, but I don't care.

Trials and tribulations. I've had my share.

There ain't nothing gonna stop me now.

Cause I'm almost there.

I remember Daddy told me fairytales can come true.

You gotta make'em happen.

It all depends on you.", said Tiana

While Tiana is singing a man walks in. Tiana's mom was shocked to see who it was and rushed to get to them and tell him to go but he refused. Tiana is wondering who this mystery man is and why she is my man talking to him.

*Tiana finishes singing and goes to where her mom and mystery man were*

"Mama, who is this? ", said Tiana

"Ummm this is Ummm..." said mom

"I'm your father", said, the Mystery man

"Excuse me, you can't be my dad. He died in a war. Mom is he telling the truth, is he my father? ", said Tiana

"I'm sorry dear but it's true I was going to tell u once everybody was gonna but...", said mom

"There is no buts mom. You have deceived me, my whole life. If he's my dad then who is James? Some man you found and paid him to take care of me. And you don't think you are off the hook. Why weren't you in my life? Did you even try to be in my life or was just not man enough to be a father, and you think just because you are my father that I will call you dad even though James isn't my real father? He was a better father than you will ever be to me!!!," said Tiana

"Baby I'm sorry I didn't tell you just wasn't the right time to tell you and you all this good stuff going on for you I didn't want to make you upset", said Tiana's mom.

"I'm just leaving here's my number if you ever want to get to me I want to know you. Eudora! Don't forget who I'm and what I'm capable of." said the mystery man

She reads the card

"His name is the shadow man. What type of name is that? what does he do for work ", said Tiana

"He does voodoo magic and he killed James because he found out that he was raising you and that was able to raise you himself and he wanted you to be just like him but I couldn't let that happen. So I took you far away from him so he couldn't hurt you. I'm sorry you have to find out this but I was trying to protect you from him. Do you forgive me?", said Eudora

"I don't know why you did it and why you kept that secret for so long. I just can't believe he's my real father," said Tiana

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