"Shut up!" The man hissed, and with one hard pull he managed to get her out of the cell.

Emma used her free hand to slap the man hard across the face. He wasn't wearing a mask, but his face was still mostly hidden beneath his hood, save for his dark brown eyes that glared her way.

"Where are you taking me?" Emma demanded. "Are you taking me to my daughter?"

"No," the man hissed at her. "We're about to make another."

Emma jerked her head back. "What? Jakob said he'd only do that if I agreed. I most certainly don't agree in case you didn't get the memo."

"Who said anything about Jakob?" the man holding the flashlight snickered menacingly.

"Hey!" Draco shouted, rushing up to his cell door and slamming his hands against it, rattling the entire cage. "You unhand her this second or I'll find a way to strangle you. I mean it!"

The men ignored Draco and quickly switched the flashlight off. The man who opened Emma's cell door grabbed her by the arms and slowly dragged her away as she tried to wrestle against him. She could hear Draco's cell shaking as he yelled, before he went completely silent.

"Let go of me!" Emma cried out, lifting her leg and stomping her foot down onto her captors. He gritted his teeth in pain, growling, but loosened his grip a little.

Emma quickly spun around and snatched the flashlight out from the other mans hand and used it to swing across and hit one of them across the face with all the strength she had in her. The man who had just had his foot stomped into flew across to the right, straight into the railing with a hard thud.

Something flicked outwards-- a switchblade. The unhurt man held it out towards Emma threateningly as the other slowly stood back up, groaning. He looked Emma hard in the eyes, still gripping the side of his head, and he growled, "I wasn't going to make it slow and painful, but now it will be."

The man snatched the flashlight out of Emma's hand and used it to swing down to the side of her head. For about a second there was nothing but a harsh ache and the sound of static, but then it was like one long blink and suddenly it was bright.

Emma slowly adjusted to the brightness of the room she was in. Bits and pieces started to make its way back to her and she gasped, trying to sit up but she was strapped down to a medical gurney. Her arms were strapped above her head, straps went over her stomach, and her legs were strapped to either side of the end of the gurney.

"What is this?" Emma gritted, trying to pull her hands free.

There was movement behind her where she couldn't see.

"I said this was going to be painful," a voice growled, and the man from earlier suddenly appeared at her side. "Nice to see you're finally awake."

"I changed my mind," Emma said quickly. "I want to agree to Jakob's terms-- go and tell him."

The man shook his head, chuckling. He lowered his hood to reveal his shoulder length brown hair. "Do you think Jakob cares who puts the baby in you? So long as it's a baby with magic I don't think he really cares." The man slowly moved closer to Emma, and she leaned as far away from him as she could. "Jakob doesn't have the heart to do this to you against your will... but he'll be more than pleased that someone has."

Emma shuddered, feeling a cold tingle run down her spine. She was instantly panicked and running out of ideas on what to say to this man. "Where is Jakob?"

"Upstairs with your kid," the man replied, dropping his robe to the floor. He was dressed in dark grey slacks and a hideous plaid shirt-- something Emma wouldn't have expected to be hiding under those robes. "Hell... he probably knows what's going on right now... what's about to happen."

Someday ⚡ Draco Malfoy [4/4]Where stories live. Discover now