7: Island of witches and flights

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I  bought and used cotton bags and an old compass.

Ada awoke with a headache. She looked around but could see nothing but endless darkness. She tried to stand up only to be pulled down by a weight on her leg. She could not remember how she got there. Her last memory was of her defeating the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Suddenly there was a metal clinking and a tin frame of light appeared on the far side from her. The frame grew bigger until she was blinded by the full force of light. It hit her eyes like a dagger after being so long in the darkness and she moved her hand to shield her eyes. A shadow blocked the light and squinting it took her a few moments to discern the shape.

"Ah awake, finally," a deep male voice spoke.

Ada just squinted at him perplexed, her eyes still hurting from a sudden intrusion of light.

He moved closer to her and a sharp smell of alcohol hit her nostrils. She scrunched her nose and leaned away from him. Her breaths became heavier.

"Now, now, no need to act disgusted with what a filthy pirate you are."

Ada looked at him in confusion.

"A pirate? What nonsense are you speaking about?"

He snarled.

"Don't play with me, little pirate girl. We know who you are. Just tell us where your treasures are."

"I have no idea what you are talking about. I don't have any treasure."

He sighed.

"You tell us or you die."

She watched him dumbfoundedly unable to form a sentence. They were going to execute her over something she didn't even have?

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Your trial will be held tomorrow. I suggest you "remember" by then if you value your life."

With that, he had left the cell, taking the only source of light with him, leaving her again in the dark.

She didn't know how much time had passed. She had no idea what this person wanted from her and a tear escaped her eye when she thought about what the next day may bring.

Suddenly something on the far end of the cell caught her attention. The air suddenly wavered and she noticed it was taking a shape. She strained her eyes trying to discern a strange occurrence. A new wave of anxiety crawled into her chest.

Red flame suddenly sprung to life, illuminating the figure before her. She could see it was a woman. She had her hair covered with a hood but her eyes glowed with the intensity of the fire in her hands. Her eyes darted around the place and when she caught Ada's gaze she moved toward her. Ada moved closer to the wall trying to get as far away from the woman as possible.

"Who are you?" she stuttered.

The woman smiled, making the red glow in her eyes waver.

"I am Circe. I am here to help you escape."

Ada stared blankly at her, waiting for her to finish.

"In exchange for a little favor."

Of course, everything had to have a price.

She narrowed her eyes at the sorceress.

"And what is this favor?"

Circe shrugged. "Just a little curse for you to break."

"What curse?"

Circe's eyes glimmered.

"You will know when the time is right." She tilted her head. "So? Do you agree to help in exchange for my service? It would be such a shame for the Chosen one to perish at the hands of some greedy dirtbags."

"The chosen one?" she asked confused for a moment when her eyes widened in realization.

"My ring! I lost my ring!" Panic started to seep in.

"Have you put it in your pocket?" Circe asked casually.

Ada put her hand in her pocket and breathed a sigh of relief when she felt the cold surface of the ring. She pulled it out and put it on her finger.

Circe nodded. "Good, that will serve you well." She looked Ada in the eyes. "Deal?"

Ada nodded. "Deal."

Circe came closer and grabbed her arm. Before she could react, the air has been knocked out of her lungs and when she came to herself they were no longer in the cell. She felt slightly dizzy when she looked at the surroundings.

"Where... How?"

She shook her head. They were in some kind of an alley.

"Where am I supposed to go?"

"Take Lenara. She knows the way." Circe pointed towards the golden horse beside.

Ada stepped towards the mare.

"I'm sure she does. She is going to take me to do your bidding, won't she?"

Circe shrugged. "Take her or find your way around. However, I can assure you they will find you before you do."

Ada pondered for a moment. Circe was right. She had no idea where she was but she knew it was enemy territory. She wouldn't come far without support.

She put her foot in the stirrup and pulled herself into a saddle. She looked at Circe who came to stand beside. She pulled something out from her robes and handed it to her. It was a crossbow.

"Take this, it might come in handy."

Ada nodded. "Thank you."

Circe nodded in return. "Good luck."

Ada squeezed the mare flanks and the mare started galloping.

The hooves clicked against the cobblestone when they raced through the alleys when the sound of shouting and flying arrows reached her. An arrow pierced the air just above her head. Suddenly the mare spoke and dashed around the corner.

"In the cover!"

Ada was taken aback.

"You can speak?"

"My family was granted speech long ago. But later, have your crossbow ready."

Ada raised it.

"What is going on here?"

"It seems they have an outshoot. We'll stay here but be ready to shoot."

A figure with a bow appeared in front of her and she squirmed in fear. She caught its attention and it was taken by surprise. It started to raise its bow.


She instinctively shot the arrow and watched in horror as it hit the target's neck causing the red liquid to spill over the grey stone, turning it red.

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