3: Island of mermaids and spells

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Anastacia slowly opened her eyes. She tried to sit up but ropes biding her arms pulled her back down. Where was she? She tried to remember the last events. They went into battle with elves and that was her last memory. She turned her head to look around. She was in a dark chamber and it seemed she was tied to some kind of a table. A shiver ran down her spine. She was kidnapped by morgen! What happened to the war? Had they lost? Surely morgen wouldn't have taken her if they had won, would they? She really hoped the twins were okay. Suddenly her thoughts were interrupted when somebody entered. Fear seized her body as the figure approached. It was a morgen, she realized when it swam close enough to discern its features. It was a young girl with black hair floating around her body and a matching tail.

"Finally you awakened. Fiana gave you a good hit," she commented as she swam to the table. Anastacia's eyes widened. She brandished a silver dagger in her hand and when she slashed toward her, she closed her eyes, preparing for a hit. When it didn't arrive she opened one eye. The morgen had put the dagger away and was looking at her with interest.

"Don't look so scared, I only cut the ropes," she told her calmly.

Anastacia blinked in surprise but when she tried to sit up nothing held her down anymore. She squirmed away from the morgen.

"Why did you free me? Is this some kind of a strange ritual where you free the victim before eating their heart?"

The morgen puffed.

"I don't want your heart!" She took a deep breath. "I want your help."

Anastacia's eyes bulged.

"Why would you want my help?"

"Why do you think you are on this table? You have the potential for great magic and they want to harness your powers to rule the seven seas! I on the other hand want you to purify our hearts and turn us back into mermaids."

Anastacia cocked her head to the side.

"And why would you want that? Who even are you?"

The morgen frowned.

"I am sick of needing to eat hearts and being evil!"

She gave her a sad look.

"I am Princess Loreal. Will you help me?"

Anastacia bit her lip.

"I seem to be quite popular lately. I'm sorry princess, I don't have the slightest idea how to purify your hearts. In fact, I am surprised a princess of morgen would even come with such a request. It is not some sort of trap, is it?"

Princess Loreal seemed offended.

"Of course not! And I know what you need to do."

"You do?"

Loreal nodded. "You need to go to the land sorcerer nearby to learn a spell."

"And why don't you do it yourself?"

"I can't walk on land. Besides, you are the one with special powers." She paused for a moment. "I don't think anybody else can do it."

"Will you let me go after that?"

"Of course!"

Anastacia nodded. "Alright, let's do it then."

Princess Loreal grinned. "Let's go then! We need to hurry before they decide to perform the ritual and notice you're gone."


Anastacia and Princess Loreal arrived on the shore. Loreal pointed toward the house on the cliff. "There!"

Anastacia unfastened her tail. She turned towards the morgen.

"Wait for me here, will you?"

Loreal returned her smile. "I'm not going anywhere."

Anastacia made her way up the cliff and toward the house. She knocked on the door but there was no answer.

"A visitor!" came a voice behind her. "Haven't had one in a while."

She turned toward the source of the voice. There was an older man however his hair was still the perfect auburn. He looked at her thoughtfully.

"Who are you and what had brought you here?

For a moment she forgot how to speak.

I'm An... Adelaide," she said after remembering her new body. "And I have come in search of a spell to turn morgen back to mermaids."

The man's eyes lighted up. "Ah, the chosen one you must be! Come!"

He lead her inside a house. Once inside he put his basket full of herbs on the table and walked up to the bookcase.

"Let's see... here!" He pulled out an ancient ornate tome and set it on the table.

"Here it is." He pointed towards the page. "But there is something else I have for you."

He disappeared for a moment and returned with a golden ring. "This is a complicated spell and since you seem to have never used magic before, such a feat would be fatal without some support."

He offered her the ring.  "This will help to strengthen your magic to be powerful enough to carry out the spell."

It was beautiful with carvings of intricate runes on it. She slipped it on her finger and it fit her perfectly. 

"Now let's try to awaken your magic core first, shall we?"


After a few hours of training, she was ready to perform the spell. According to the sorcerer it had to be performed in the morgen city. Loreal had found a spot where nobody would get in her way. She closed her eyes and concentrated on her magic. The words smoothly rolled from her tongue.

"The rot of evil begone! Let the purity restore the morgen heart for it to be of mermaid purity again! The evil dissolve its decay be gone and mermaid be born!

She raised her hands when her voice raised in volume and the blinding light shone from her hands. It enveloped everything in its embrace and when it subsided she looked around. Loreal rushed to her and pulled her into a hug.

"It worked."

Anastacia smiled. She was exhausted but she had saved many. They won't have to worry about having their hearts eaten anymore.

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