˓ first time˒

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  ╭⊱———☘︎———⊰╮   ACT ONE:   FIFTH CHAPTER  (FIRST TIME)  ╰⊱———☘︎———⊰╯

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Rea's POV

It's break time so me and xyrene had time to talk again "Chemistry made me cry so much that i wanna bawl my eyes out" xyrene groaning at the last part showing that she's tired.

"I haven't introduced you to my friends, didn't i?" i said to blonde girl beside me as we keep walking to the canteen. "You have mentioned them but haven't shown them to me." Xyrene replied back with a smiling face.

I wonder if she ever hasn't smile, she should be in the Smile movie. No wait that's rude- i thought randomly listening to Xyrene and walking at the same time.

I got lost in my own thoughts, a little bit of Xyrene's voice mumbling. I was thinking of the What if's..like; What if Xyrene didn't like Vivi and Lucas? What if Vivi and Lucas didn't like Xyrene? What if they don't like each other? What if it's all my faul-

"Is Wonrea Blake still in there?" Xyrene playfully knocked my forehead turns out, i was still beside the lockers close to the canteen doors. Try not to be embarrassed challenge go! oh i already lost. "oh sorry rene we should go now-" i tried to walk but xyrene already blocked my way with her hands both infront of me.

"About that actually...I have met Vivi and Lucas already when they told me they had a problem." Xyrene informed me "What's the problem? Wait can i atleast go see the—" Xyrene blocked me with her arms spread out while i was gonna escape again.

"No! Not in the canteen.. They're there." Xyrene placed both of her hands down as her body turned around pointing to the canteen. "Rene, this is serious. I wanna eat already." The blonde girl infront of me sighed and groaned letting me get away. "My next class starts in 3 minutes so i have to go anyways" after xyrene said that, she already ran as fast as she can.

As i was about to enter and look for the table Me, Vivi and Lucas always and i mean always sits on and talk about things. I saw a group of people already seating there..





The 1R-Academics..What are they doing here? Don't they have food delivered to them on their own classrooms? What happened? Why? What? How? So many questions that i, cannot even answer.

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